Washing Machine Drum Paddle

Pressure Wash Your Elephant

You may or may not have heard of The Gadget Show, a Channel 5 magazine show that delights in all things, well, gadgety, funnily enough. It’s an agreeable watch, something to chuck on just as you’ve got home from work and need to relax for half an hour. Indeed, it’s Wikipedia page states that ‘it aims to give enough information for the more “geeky” or knowledgeable audience, but still making it accessible to the more casual viewer’, and I’d say that it fulfils that remit admirably.

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Saving Energy And Light Bulb

Prepping for Summer

In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been going a bit garden crazy over the last couple of weeks. It’s that wonderful time of year when it seems like the summer is just around the corner (at least when it isn’t raining). Getting your garden ready for the coming months of barbecues and the sun being out ’til 10 at night is something that makes us eSpares types pretty excited. Hence, like I said, the recent glut of garden videos.

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How to Get the Perfect Lawn

British Summer Time began yesterday. Whilst it meant that the past weekend was the shortest of the year, it also means that spring has well and truly sprung and gardening is firmly back on the agenda. Hopefully when you look out of your back door you now see not a murky and forbidding brown and off-green space, but a slightly unkempt patch brimming with possibility.

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