Prepping for Summer
April 5, 2011 | Gardening Tips | No comments
In case you haven’t noticed, we’ve been going a bit garden crazy over the last couple of weeks. It’s that wonderful time of year when it seems like the summer is just around the corner (at least when it isn’t raining). Getting your garden ready for the coming months of barbecues and the sun being out ’til 10 at night is something that makes us eSpares types pretty excited. Hence, like I said, the recent glut of garden videos.
Of the recent ones I’ve shown you, we’ve not really focused on the single most important appliance in your garden – the lawn mower. Flymos in particular are great for smaller lawns, and the Turbo Compact 330 is no different. If I was a used lawn mower salesman, I’d use the phrase ‘great little run around’ for this beaut. Simply but solidly put together, watch Helen show you how easy it is to replace the belt on it.
Tags: Flymo Spares