Showing posts from: DIY & Home Improvement

Easy Peasy Cleaning

No one likes cleaning. But alas, it must be done! Follow these simple steps to keep your home lovely to live in:

Work Clockwise

When tackling the kitchen, start from the right of your cooker and move clockwise around the room. The cooker area tends to be the grubbiest. Start there and work your way ‘round the kitchen. Start by soaking your cooker drip and grease pans. By the time you’ve worked your way ‘round the kitchen, they’ll have had time to sit and will be easier to clean.

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Bye Bye Mice

Let’s face it. Whether you live in a new home or an older Victorian era abode, these creatures will get in and they can be a real nuisance if they’re not caught. See some tips below to help the pesky problem.

Remember mice are very small (1-2 inches long), so even the smallest of holes can make your home accessible to them.

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Red Vacuum Cleaner

Benefits of Steam Cleaning

Rumour has it that ‘steam cleaning’ was discovered in Europe only about 20 years ago when a pub landlord used steam from the cappuccino machine to clean lipstick from a wine glass. Boom, steam cleaning was born. I’m not sure how accurate or inaccurate this information may be, but regardless it makes for a nice little anecdote!

Anyway there are obvious advantages to using steam to clean, and three that top the list are:

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Child Proof Your Home

For those of you with little ones, helping to keep your home child-safe is of utmost priority. Especially in the kitchen, you’ll want to make sure anything that could cause harm is out of the reach or way. Albeit, some of these things might seem like common sense, it is important to make sure you’ve taken every precaution in order to protect the young’ns. A few tips below will help keep your kitchen safe.

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