
Lawnmower Racing

Today I have been watching a bunch of people on lawnmowers going round a muddy field, battling for the title of ‘Lawn Mower Racing World Champion’.


How to Get the Perfect Lawn

British Summer Time began yesterday. Whilst it meant that the past weekend was the shortest of the year, it also means that spring has well and truly sprung and gardening is firmly back on the agenda. Hopefully when you look out of your back door you now see not a murky and forbidding brown and off-green space, but a slightly unkempt patch brimming with possibility.

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Looks Like New!

Think that just because your oven isn’t looking so good any more, you need to get rid of it? Trade her in for a newer model? Discard it like a used tissue? Not so, my hasty friends. There’s no reason why you can’t get an eyesore of an oven looking beautiful again. Exhibit A: this video.

Look at that. It’s that easy to replace the door on your oven, thereby restoring it to it’s rightful place as pride of the kitchen. Beautiful.

An Idiot’s Fridge

It’s cold. It’s wet. It’s grey. Got that Monday feeling? I have the perfect tonic. It’s a few years old now, but it’s a beaut. Karl Pilkington, of An Idiot Abroad and Ricky Gervais podcast fame, has a voice which seems to ooze Monday morning. In this video the subject of his ire is the fridge repair man. Alas, if only Karl had got on to his computer and done a quick Google search, we might’ve been able to help. It wasn’t to be, but at least we got this video.

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Answering Customer Questions And Queries

A World Premiere

As promised last week, I’d like to welcome you to the world premiere (as in, it’s right here in this blog) of ‘How to replace the bearings in a washing machine‘. Early discussions about having Matt ‘blue up’ for the role were dismissed, and he decided to play it more or less straight. Anyways, it’s clearly the movie event of the year, so get the popcorn in, clear your schedule for the afternoon (it really is quite long) and enjoy.

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