
Genuine Stamp

Universal vs Genuine

At eSpares we’re constantly promoting a “make do and mend” attitude. It’s really refreshing to hear about how many people are adopting the same and discovering just how easy it is to carry out home repairs and restore your appliances to their full working glory, for a fraction of the cost of replacing them.

Household appliances should be built to last and it’s unacceptable to think that even when used properly and taken care of, they might give up the ghost after only a couple years. Sure, as to be expected with any machine, individual components will endure wear and tear from usage but this is where you can grab the Bull by the horns, identify the problem, find a solution and fix it yourself!

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A Cool Spring Gardening

Spring is here… wait, it’s not. The cold weather has decided to out-stay its welcome and suddenly plans for the long Easter weekend might need to change. If you had planned to get in your garden, you can still do so, albeit you might need to take a different approach to tackling (and helping) your greenery.

I stumbled across an article featured on the BBC which is particularly useful in helping to explain how you can still get in your garden and help protect it against the looming cold (for those few days, weeks – hopefully not months – longer)

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Get Stuck into Spares

Get Stuck into Spares

Spares aren’t particularly exciting. No matter which way you cut it. I mean you wouldn’t take the family or a loved on one a “spares” shopping spree at the weekend or treat them to a voucher for a new oven thermostat on their next birthday. Nonetheless they are great and are essential to keep our appliances working properly. Not to mention they will save you time and money vs buying new.

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No More Food Wasted

In the UK we throw away about 15 million tonnes of food. Almost 50% of this wastage comes from our homes. Obviously a good way to prevent this is to only buy what you need, when you need it but it’s also a good idea to make sure your fridge is in good working order to prevent food from going off and to keep it fresher, longer.

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Cat Sleeping On Radiator

How to Bleed a Radiator

This is a fairly easy, step by step instruction guide to bleed a radiator. If you’re home doesn’t seem to be heating as well as it should be you might want to bleed the radiators in your home to fix this. Also, if you notice that your radiators are cold at the top and warm at the bottom you need to “bleed” them to get rid of the trapped air that’s causing the cold spots.

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Hey Ho It’s Snow

“Snow” is defined as: atmospheric water vapour frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes and lying on the ground in a white layer.

The Inuit have many different words for snow depending on what kind it is. Living in the North, where snow is a part of everyday life it’s essential to learn each meaning in order to survive.

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