
Garden Watering Goodies

If your garden is as important to you as spares are to us, then do I have something to get you as excited as a mouse in a cheese shop – garden watering tips! Garden watering tips galore!

Need a new watering can? Why buy a new one when you can recycle a laundry detergent container? Just knock a few small holes into the lid and another into the top of the handle for air, then fill with water and pour! Your plants won’t mind – promise!

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Washing Machine Drum Paddle

Summer Gardening

Even though we seem to be experiencing a typical British slow start to the sunny season, I’m sure it is not here to stay. Hopefully come July the temperature will get consistently warmer and your garden will be able to benefit.

In the meantime there are some things you can do ahead of the warmer weather to continue to get the most from your garden.

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Blue Keyboard With Red Key

Helping You How-To

We’re pretty proud of our how-to videos, which help our customers with common appliance fixes.

Preparing for and shooting the videos can be a long process, but it’s absolutely worth it in the end to be able to provide information that can help DIY’ers or more importantly, non DIY’ers fix their appliances all by themselves. Satisfaction, coupled with cheeky gloating, is guaranteed.

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Dog Proof Your Lawn

Dog Proof Your Lawn

Right, so you’re off to a great start in getting your lawn looking gloriously green ahead of the summer. Nothing must get in the way of your progress, not even your loyal pal Rover.

If you have a pet dog you might have noticed their urine leaves unsightly, yellow patches on your beautiful green lawn. This is not okay.

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Opening Times For eSpares On Bank Holiday

Helpful Household Tips

Right, so here is a list of rather random yet, very useful tips & tricks for you to try in and around your home.

  • Don’t keep medicine in your bathroom cabinet. The moisture created from the shower will cause the meds to go off sooner than they should, reducing them to a placebo-like state. Instead store in a cool, dry place like a bedroom wardrobe or cabinet in your kitchen. Keep out of reach of children of course!

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Green VS Yellow Grass

Got Yellow Grass?

If your once lovely, green grass has turned a rather interesting shade of yellow there are some things you can do to help restore it to its former glory.

  • Water your lawn. Obvious much? But if you water early in the morning (preferably before 8am) this will help set your lawn up for the day.

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