
Key To Success

Freshen Up Your Home

We take pride in our homes and want to make them look their best. So, hop to it and learn some things you can do that will truly help make your home look that much nicer. As far as DIY skills go, so long as you have a pulse and a pair of hands you should be ok at completing most of these.

  • Paint your front door. Easy, not too time consuming and totally rewarding. Try a different, stand-out colour en route to an aesthetically beautiful result

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Hey Ho Its Snow

Start Saving Energy

Energy prices are set to rise and now, more than ever, it’s important to do what you can to reduce your consumption. There is no reason not to adopt behaviours and practices that are more energy efficient and that will help to reduce your carbon footprint. And hey, if you don’t give a toss about the effect you’re having on the environment then at least do it to save the dosh.

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Women Unloading Tumble Dryer

Safety Notice- White Knight

The manufacturer White Knight has issued a safety notice which relates to a part fitted to small group of tumble dryers that were manufactured in 2010. The part in question is a connector that was fitted to a number of dryers manufactured in October of 2010. The part does not meet White Knight’s required specifications and is being regarded as a potential fire hazard.

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Easy Peasy Cleaning

No one likes cleaning. But alas, it must be done! Follow these simple steps to keep your home lovely to live in:

Work Clockwise

When tackling the kitchen, start from the right of your cooker and move clockwise around the room. The cooker area tends to be the grubbiest. Start there and work your way ‘round the kitchen. Start by soaking your cooker drip and grease pans. By the time you’ve worked your way ‘round the kitchen, they’ll have had time to sit and will be easier to clean.

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Red Vacuum Cleaner

Benefits of Steam Cleaning

Rumour has it that ‘steam cleaning’ was discovered in Europe only about 20 years ago when a pub landlord used steam from the cappuccino machine to clean lipstick from a wine glass. Boom, steam cleaning was born. I’m not sure how accurate or inaccurate this information may be, but regardless it makes for a nice little anecdote!

Anyway there are obvious advantages to using steam to clean, and three that top the list are:

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Post Christmas Mess?

Right folks we are now settled and moving forward into 2012 and there are no doubt plenty of you out there still working on sorting (and ahem sticking to) your resolutions. I personally don’t feel we need the coming of a new year as an excuse to help get ourselves sorted but regardless for those of you needing the extra push then go ahead and let the new year assist you. A thought; if you want to put off your personal resolutions- weight loss, quitting smoking, exercising, being a better citizen but yet still do some good then why not focus on your lovely and loyal home. Come now, get those appliances working in tip top shape. Your kitchen for start has no doubt taken somewhat of a beating if you were entertaining over the holiday period.

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Purple Christmas Present And Decorations

Don’t Get Caught Out This Christmas

Right so with the festive season upon us and Christmas only 17 days away I can’t help but take a moment to think about what comes to mind when I hear the word Christmas; Sharing, giving, receiving (come on I’d be lying if I said I didn’t look forward to getting a little something for myself) family, friends, food, alcohol, more food, tight fitting trousers as a result of more food and probably a half inch of snow that will no doubt grind the country to a halt and strand thousands of passengers trying to fly home.

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