How to successfully restart your 2020!
September 16, 2020 | Lifestyle | No comments
Is there anyone who wouldn’t want to restart this year? We don’t think so!
Unfortunately, that isn’t possible! But what we can do, is make a pledge to give it a reboot, and what better time than September. The back to school feeling of sharp pencils and blank pages ready to be written in, the change of seasons and the warm but crisp mornings, make us feel like it’s the start of something new.
Here are a few ways to successfully restart your 2020 from right now!
Start a new diary
What’s one thing we all do when a new year starts? Buy a diary! There are plenty of diaries that start in September for the school year, so it will feel even more like the start of your new year. Use this to write down plans, thoughts and feelings or goals. Sometimes, it’s good to get things down on paper.
Make plans!
Things are always changing at the moment and it’s hard to make plans that stick. But, don’t let this stop you from filling your new diary with dates. Even if it’s just a family garden gathering or a coffee with a friend, plan it in write it down and fill your diary with positivity. Things can always be adapted to suit the current rules.
And breathe away the tensions of 2020. There’s no doubting it’s been a stressful year and the best way to move on from something is to let it go. Meditation is a great place to start. Download apps such as Headspace and Calm to get you started with some free sessions.
Get active
Autumn and winter are usually times of the year when we sack off the gym and start getting into our comfies. Well this year, we’re saying no! We’ve spent long enough in our PJs watching Netflix this year, so September is the time to get out and get active! Why not join an outdoor class, go for regular walks or kick start your healthy eating. Who said January had to be the time to hit the gym?
Fix your finances
Your finances may have taken a bit of a tumble this year so now is the time to get them sorted. Start building your savings back up or look at switching providers to save money. It’s a good idea to start thinking about how to save energy around your house too. Winter is coming and so are the dreaded utility bills!
Plant something
September is still a great time for gardening. And what says new beginnings more than new life? Plant some fresh flowers in your garden or grow some fruit and veggies too! Lilies, alliums and crocosmias are some great ones to get you started.
Make a September resolution
Let’s not wait until the new year to set some goals, let’s start now! Whether it’s moving up at work, health goals or passing your driving test, start putting plans in place now. If you’ve been furloughed or made redundant this year, now is a great time to think about a career change or a big move.
Enjoy the little things!
Finally, if this year has taught us anything it’s to not take things for granted! Embrace time spent with friends and family, spend time outdoors and live for the little things. Even though lockdown was a difficult time, let’s try and remember some of the precious moments to come out of it.
No one knows what will happen in the coming months but that’s no reason not to embrace the new beginnings. All we can do is hope for the best and make the best of what we have!
For some help getting used to the new normal, check out these little reminders we put together about the things we forgot about during lockdown!
Tags: Lockdown 2020, New Start