Let’s Take a Moment to Celebrate Our Everyday Heroes
August 16, 2017 | Charity News | No comments
Did you know heroes don’t just exist in comic books and films? We kid you not, heroes walk among us. We’re talking about the firemen, paramedics and other superhumans who devote their lives to looking after the rest of us. If they’re not heroic we don’t know who is.

Here’s what their nurses had to say about what they do and heroes in general!
Staff Nurse Deb Jones
What made you want to become a nurse?
My mum caught MRSA in a hospital and I wanted to be that nurse that made the difference to someone experiencing something like that.
What’s the best part of the job?
Having the privilege to look after patients and families within their own homes.
What’s the proudest moment in your nursing career?
I am proud every day, but obtaining a degree as a mature student made me very proud.
Who’s your hero?
I have had the pleasure of working with some excellent nurses. We all learn from each other. If I had to name one it would be my first ward manager, Sister Deb Mason.
Which superhero would you most like to be and why?
Batman. When we set our minds to do something we can attempt to achieve it and we can be anything we choose to be.
Palliative Care Assistant Lee Cutler
What made you want to become a nurse?
When my grandad came to the hospice and was given great care.
What’s the best part of the job?
Looking after the patients and families on our In-Patient Unit and in their homes.
What the proudest moment in your nursing career?
I am proud every day.
Who’s your hero?
Our sister Katie Roberts is my hero for helping me and also the Hospice at Home team is great. They will help you with everything – they are my team heroes.
Which superhero would you most like to be and why?
Superman because he helps people, has compassion and has amazing powers.
Clinical Nurse Specialist Sandie Robinson
What made you want to become a nurse?
A passion to care for people less able than me.
What’s the best part of the job?
Being with patients, improving their quality of life and making a difference.
What the proudest moment in your nursing career?
When I got my diploma and graduated with all my family there. I was 40.
Who’s your hero?
My mum.
Which superhero would you most like to be and why?
Spiderman – that would be a reason to do great things and retain my humility because his identity is unknown. I’d have been out there doing the best I could do. Also, Spiderman gives back by inspiring others to do the same by giving confidence and courage for every human to choose to nurture their inner hero. Spiderman made the decision to help those in need knowing he would receive nothing in return.
There you have it, a little insight into what it’s like to be an everyday hero! We’re very proud to support the John Taylor teams and the amazing work they do.
In order to raise money for the hospice and get in touch with our own inner heroes, a few of us faced our fears last month with a sponsored abseil challenge off the top of a 170ft hotel. If you missed it here’s how we got on!
Tags: Charity, eSpares Heroes, John Taylor Hospice