Tag archives for: New Year Resolutions

Cookerhood Filter Being Changed

17 New Year Resolutions to Save Money in the Home

We all do it, on January 1st as the haze begins to clear and the cleaning up from the night before commences, New Year resolutions are made – whether it’s swearing to get fit by joining a gym, kicking a vice or taking up a hobby.

But, to flip things on their head we’ve decided to share our top 17 New Year resolutions for the home we think you should make – especially as they can help you save money.

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Use Your Home Appliances More Wisely

Why Resolutions?

The end of the year sparks a time to reflect on what we’re thankful for and look ahead and make changes in our lives that will result in better living and a more positive life. In all honesty, I reckon if these practices aren’t already in place, then the start of a new year probably won’t help to implement them.

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