6 things you should never ever put in the tumble dryer
February 21, 2022 | Laundry Appliance Repair, Help & Advice | No comments
Your tumble dryer is a time saving, laundry clearing hero! But beware, there are some items that should never (like ever) go near your valued appliance!
Shrinking, snagging and breaking are the words we definitely don’t want to hear when talking about tumble dryers. We advise to always check the care label before adding items to your dryer, but here are 6 items that could be damaged if placed inside the machine and could even cause a fault in the dryer itself.
Tumble dryer heat is too much for your delicate bras which could cause them to lose their elasticity and shape. Not to mention that the underwire can get stuck in the machine drum and no one wants the hassle of digging that out! It’s much better to lie them flat on a towel and leave them to dry naturally.
We’re not talking gold chains and hoop earrings (although you shouldn’t put those in either) but any clothing that contains sequins, gems or embellishments. Tumble drying these items will cause them to fall off or snag other garments and the bits could get stuck in your machine. Hang them out to dry instead or if the material is delicate, place them on a flat towel.
If you don’t want to be left with tights that now only fit your little ones, don’t tumble dry them! The delicate material will shrink and the spinning will cause them to tangle. We don’t know about you but un-knotting tights is definitely not how we want to spend our Sunday afternoons!
It’s depressing enough having to wash your swimming cozzie after returning from holiday without it being damaged in the machine too! The hot temperature could the lycra in your swimwear to become brittle and worn. Save your beachwear and leave them to dry on a rack instead.
If you’ve paid a lot for your trainers, you definitely don’t want to risk tumble drying them! The heat from the dryer could shrink the rubber, damage the cushioning and leave your trainers unable to do their job properly. Instead, leave them out to dry on a towel in a warm room.
Rubber-backed Rugs
These rugs may be small enough to fit in your dryer, but it won’t do them any good! The rubber will crumble in the heat and could even cause your dryer to overheat and catch fire. Leave them out to dry or drape them over your shower rail when it’s not in use to save space and dry naturally.
Now you know what not to put into your tumble dryer, let’s make sure you’re using it correctly when you do need to use it! Check out these 7 common dryer mistakes to help keep your laundry and your dryer lasting for longer.
Tags: Tumble Dryer, Tumble Dryer Tips