How your second-hand items can improve someone's Christmas
December 21, 2020 | Environment  |  Repair, Re-use & Recycle | No comments
There’s no doubting this Christmas is going to be a difficult one for many. So let’s all try to do our bit and help in any way we can.
It doesn’t have to be money donations, items that are lying around your homes, clogging up your cupboards or about to be thrown away could actually really improve someone else’s Christmas.
Here are a few ideas on how to make your second-hand items improve someone’s Christmas.
Clear our your closet
Christmas is the time for clearing out for the new year ahead! Make some time to get rid of those barely worn old clothes and donate them to your local charity shop. That ‘old dress’ you’ve worn once, could make someone feel fabulous this Christmas!
Donate old toys
If there are children in your family, there is no doubt your home will be filled with new toys very soon! So, before that day comes, gather some of your child’s once-loved toys, give them a clean-up and hand them to a charity shop or a local children’s charity. Get your kids to help you and tell them what it’s for so they know their old stuff is going to a good home.
Give away your unwanted appliances
New appliance but your old one is still usable? Why not donate it to a charity shop? Places such as The Red Cross take old appliances and pass them on to those in need or sell them in their shops. It’s a great way of getting rid of your items and saving them from going to landfill too.
Sell your old gadgets
Plans to get the brand new iPhone this Christmas or new games console for the kids? Why not make some money on your old ones and sell them online. That way you’ll make some money and be able to give someone a gift they will love for less.
Give the gift of food
Plenty of us stocked up on tinned foods, pasta and ahem, toilet roll at the start of this year! If you’ve got any still lying around and you’re probably not going to use, pass them on to a food bank and give those less fortunate something to put on the table this Christmas. Most supermarkets have trolleys in store for you to place these items in or you can drop them off to your local food bank.
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure! So, this year, think before you throw away and help make someone else’s Christmas special. That’s what it all should be about after all!
While you’re at it, why not try out some of these last-minute second-hand Christmas gift ideas for your loved ones too!