The flowers you should be planting right now!
September 23, 2020 | Gardening Tips | No comments
Just because summer is over doesn’t mean it’s time to hang up your gloves and spades! In fact, autumn is a fantastic time to get back in the garden.
Here’s why…
Why plant in autumn?
Between now and early November is one of the best times of year to plant bulbs that will bloom in the spring! Cooler temperatures and rainfall helps plants establish stronger root systems before their winter slumber.
Plus, now is a great opportunity for stocking up on plants with autumn clearance sales as stores make room for winter stock. You’ll also find plenty of spring-blooming bulbs appearing in garden catalogues and local garden centres so you won’t be stuck for choice.
What to plant
Tulips grow in any soil but they do not like it too dry, which is why autumn is the best time to plant them. Plus, you can opt for different colours and styles to prep for a blooming spring.
What says spring more than a daffodil? They are super versatile and grow in most soils in sun or partial shade. For a classic yellow, opt for the native Tenby daffodil or Ice Follies.
A perfect sight to brighten up your garden in late winter and early spring. Snowdrops thrive in moist soil and will bloom in shady spots so there’s no better time to plant them than autumn!
Spring Crocus
Spring crocuses prefer a sunny sheltered site with gritty soil. The Vanguard variety is a stunning purple colour and can bloom as early as February.
Grape Hyacinth
Grape hyacinth flowers grow in full sun or partial shade and like well-drained soil. They are unusually shaped indigo flowers and make for a stunning display in early spring.
Striped Squill
Striped squills are star-shaped flowers with a lovely blue line through each petal. They will grow in most conditions as long as the soil is not too dry.
Top Tips
- Wait to plant bulbs until evening temperatures have dropped for about 2 weeks. This will give the soil a chance to cool down so your bulbs don’t emerge too early.
- Give bulbs enough time to root by planting them at least 6 weeks before frost is expected in your area, usually late October and November time.
- If you still haven’t planted your bulbs by early winter, go ahead and plant them as soon as there is a thaw or break in the weather. Leaving bulbs out of the ground too long will cause them to wither and dry out.
- Another option is to plant your bulbs in pots and allow them to overwinter in a holding bed or a sheltered outdoor spot, covered with several inches of mulch.
Although autumn is a great time for gardening, it’s also the time we want to be saving our money for things like, ahem, Christmas! Luckily, we have put together some great money-saving gardening tips that will save you a fortune so you can have the best of both worlds!
Tags: Autumn Gardening, Gardening Advice