Your ultimate spring bucket list!
April 30, 2019 | Spring Guide | No comments
40 things you should do to enjoy spring to the fullest!
The weather’s getting warmer, nights are getting longer and the sound of the birds fill the air, it could only mean one thing – spring has finally arrived!
So, armed with a brolly in one hand and sunglasses in the other, here are 40 things you must do to ensure a blooming great spring!
Have a clear-out
Out with the old and in with the new! Chuck those clothes you haven’t worn for decades, tins clogging up your cupboard and the endless piles and paper stuck in the draw!
Plant flowers in the garden
Fill your outdoor space with daffodils, tulips, and primroses and you’ll thank yourself in summer!
Wear your cute jackets
Jackets that are too warm for summer but not quite warm enough for winter, get them out now! It’s time to be bold and stylish!
Clear away your winter wardrobe
It’s not quite bikini season yet but it is time to clear out those big knit jumpers and scarfs, hoorah! Make way for shorts and t-shirt season!
Instagram a blossom tree
Is it even spring if you haven’t snapped a blossom tree yet?
Only visit restaurants with outdoor seating (even though it’s 15 degrees)
The sun’s out so it’s fine, right?
Rock a shorts and jacket combo
Nothing beats a bright matching co-ord in spring.
Buy hay fever tablets
Yep, bittersweet spring!
Take a nature walk
The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, there’s no better time to embrace the great outdoors than to take a spring nature walk.
Have a park picnic
Pack up your favourite sandwiches, cakes, and ball games and enjoy a park picnic making the most of the space before summer arrives!
Plan a getaway
It’s been a while since the Christmas break and we’re all in need of some me-time. It’s not too late to book the perfect spring break.
Visit a farmers market
Venture away from your normal food shop and explore a farmers market with all the colourful and diverse spring fruits and veggies!
Go for a bike ride
Two wheels and the wind in your hair! Just remember to pack the right shoes!
Take a walk in the rain
It may be the last thing you want to do in spring, but walking in the rain can actually improve your mood, is good for your skin and according to Chinese researchers, burns more calories than regular walking! *picks up raincoat*
Buy a fragrance candle
Make your home smell spring fresh with scents like lavender, blossom, and cherry!
Visit a rooftop bar
Just bring a jacket (see point 3!)
Paint one wall or add some brighter accessories to your home to get it ready for a more colourful season!
Start a reading list
Be prepared for some outdoor reading.
Paint your nails in pastels
Goodbye nude, hello pastel!
Try a new hairstyle
Update your spring look but going lighter, shorter or opt for a funky new do!
Book a festival
Music, food, film or whatever it is you’re in to, enjoy it outdoors with like-minded people!
Go sunglasses shopping
Because the 23 pairs in your draw just aren’t up to scratch anymore!
Eat healthily
Nice weather means you can put the comfort foods to one side and bring out the salads! Trust us, they can be tasty!
Clean, clean and clean some more!
Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be such a chore, check out our super handy checklist and spruce up your home for spring!
Mow the lawn
Start early an reap the benefits of a perfectly green and maintained lawn.
Clean your appliances
Not as exciting but definitely important, get it out the way and you’re sure to feel better for it. Here are some tips to help you get started!
Pressure wash your driveway
Get rid of the grit and dirt from the winter months and create a more welcoming driveway!
Do some car checks
Weather changes can be hard on your motor, so make sure to check your battery, lights, tyres, and fluids or take it to a garage who sometimes have deals on seasonal checks.
Go strawberry picking
Strawberry season kicks off in May
Take a photo of a rainbow
The one good thing about unpredictable weather!
Listen to the bird’s sing
If nothing else, it helps with getting up early
Leave your windows open
Let in the fresh spring air!
Wear flowers in your hair
Because why not?
Build a bird house
Welcome your little friends and listen to them sing away.
Watch the sunrise
We’ve really missed the bright mornings.
Exercise outdoors
The gym just doesn’t cut it in this weather.
Make the most of the longer days
Go for a morning run, eat outdoors in the evening or visit friends.
Visit the beach
It’s been far too long!
And we don’t just mean your rubbish! Reinvent some old furniture, turn your old favourite jeans into some shorts or do a clothes swap with friends and protect the environment while you’re at it!
Buy a fancy umbrella
Rainy days, we’re ready for you!
Tags: Signs of spring, Spring Tips