Scary Money Monster Attacks Thousands of Households
October 10, 2017 | eSpares Updates  |  General Appliance Care & Advice | No comments
Homes everywhere are at risk of a Money Monster invasion

e have received multiple reports that a troubling new threat has emerged. Whenever an appliance becomes faulty, the Money Monster creeps into households uninvited. Once inside, he wastes money with no remorse.
This monstrous fiend operates in spooky ways, making people believe that buying a spare part to fix their faulty appliance isn’t worth the money. His poor unfortunate victims come to think they would be better off hiring an engineer or buying a brand new machine.
Of course, a spare part is much cheaper than either of these options.
Akwb from Edinburgh (who preferred to use an alias for fear of the Money Monster targeting him in future) refused to be victim to the Money Monster’s wasteful ideas:
“A replacement washing machine door handle saved me a lot of money. Together with excellent videos and photos from eSpares, I solved the problem of a locked door without expense and without a lot of trial and error efforts to dismantle the washing machine. It was not an easy job but was worth doing and saved me a £90 repair cost or £400 for a new washing machine.”
eSpares, as Akwb mentions, are committed to the fight against the Money Monster.
“Some parts cost just a couple of pounds to replace”
Chris @ eSpares, Appliance Engineer
We spoke to Chris, an experienced appliance engineer at eSpares, to get his official advice:
“Some people think buying a spare part for their machine will be less cost-effective than buying a brand new one or getting someone in to fix it. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Some parts cost just a couple of pounds to replace and even the more expensive parts will put less strain on your bank balance than the other options.
If you’re not sure how to complete your fix, we’ve got the know-how on hand to help you. Together we can drive the Money Monster out of your home.”
Those affected by the Money Monster are advised to contact eSpares as a matter of urgency. With over a million spare parts and hundreds of how-to videos, eSpares are committed to teaching this villain that crime doesn’t pay.
We urge our readers to be extra vigilant. Known associates of the Money Monster, the Time Terror and Count Confidence, could be haunting your home too. We’ll bring you the updates as they come in.
Tags: Appliance Care, eSpares News