5 Reasons You Should Switch to LED Bulbs
October 12, 2015 | DIY & Home Improvement | No comments
Did you know that lighting in your home accounts for between 10% and 20% of your annual electricity bill? But it is possible to significantly reduce this, by switching to LED bulbs, and below we explain the 5 key reasons you should switch to LED light bulbs.
Long Life, Less Maintenance:
The average lifespan of an LED bulb is 10 years plus. As a result of their extended lifespan, LEDs bring about less maintenance as they shouldn’t need to be changed or replaced, meaning once you’ve fitted them into your home you no longer need to worry about them.
Energy Efficient:
It’s estimated that LED bulbs can help homeowners reduce their lighting energy consumption by as much as 90%. This is because they are 20 times more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs, and only use a fraction of energy to produce the same amount of light – which is great not only for your pocket, but also the environment. [source: officelighting.co.uk]
Save Money:
Unlike other energy saving light bulbs, LEDs do not take time to heat up and reach their desired light output, meaning they produce less heat and more light. Compared to traditional light bulbs, which lose 95% of energy in producing heat, LEDs only lose 5%. [source: officelighting.co.uk]
LED bulbs also enable you to reduce the amount you’re spending on your lighting, due to reducing the number of watts being used to light up each room. Whilst the average kitchen, lounge and bedroom is lit 35w to 50w bulbs, by switching to LED bulbs you can reduce the wattage needed to no more than 8w per bulb.
In our April 2015 post, we offer more tips on how you can save money by switching to LED bulbs.
Safer & Greener:
In an age where we are all looking to become environmentally friendly and reduce our carbon footprint, LED bulbs are proving to be a great investment for the home.
Unlike traditional light bulbs, LEDs do not contain mercury or lead, which makes them safer and easier to be recycled. In addition, LED bulbs also reduce carbon emissions and use less energy.
Choice of Light Available:
It may not be something which you have thought about before, but with LED bulbs you have more options in regards to the type of light emitted, with the 3 common types being warm white, daylight and cool white.
- Warm White – such light produces a yellow tint, and the light emitted is the closest to traditional bulbs. Warm white lighting in the home can also create a relaxing mood.
- Daylight – a daylight bulb will provide a crisp, vibrant light which is said to increase concentration. We’d recommend using such bulbs in security lighting and garages.
- Cool White – these bulbs provide a cleaner light and are considerably brighter and livelier than traditional bulbs, making them perfect for the kitchen and bathroom, along with garages.
Along with understanding the benefits of switching to LED lights, it’s also important to make sure you get the right bulbs for your home, and to assist, we’ve compiled “A Guide to LED Bulbs”.
In the guide we cover all the key points of buying LED bulbs, including the shape, fitting and brightness of the bulb – whilst we also have a range of LED lights available, including LED spotlights, LED golf ball bulbs and capsules.
By switching to LED bulbs in your home, you can save up to £140 a year on your lighting costs, so switch today, brighten up your home throughout autumn and winter, and reduce your energy bills.
Tags: Energy Efficient, Home Improvements, LED Bulbs, Money Saving