16 Tips to Help Reduce the Stress of Moving
June 23, 2015 | Money Saving Tips & Tricks | 4 comments
On average Brits move eight times during their lifetimes, and when it comes to moving home there are certain steps which you’ll need to go through to ensure everything runs smoothly. To help reduce the stress of moving home, we’ve compiled 16 useful tips you need to include on your moving checklist.
Before Moving – It’s Not Just About Packing:
- Change your address. By law, when you move home you’re required to change the address on your driving licence as well as your car insurance to ensure both remain valid and legal. You’ll also need to change your address with your bank, TV licence, landline and broadband to ensure your statements do not go missing.
- Redirect your mail. Changing your address will ensure your post makes its way to your new house, but there are some things we all forget such as magazine subscriptions – so make sure ahead of moving you visit the Royal Mail website and arrange for your post to be redirected.
- Contact your utility providers. Ahead of your move, contact your utility providers – including gas, electricity, broadband and landline – to let them know you are moving. It’s also a great time to check comparison websites to see if you can find a cheaper tariff with another provider, ready for when you move. [source: thesimpledollar.com]
- Switch doctors. Understandably this isn’t always high on our priorities when moving, but if you’ve moved to a new area you’ll be pleased you switched ahead of moving. Along with switching your doctor, when moving to a new area you should also switch dentists and opticians.
- Don’t forget your pets. You may be surprised to learn, but your cats and dogs can become very attached to familiar territory and moving home can be stressful for them too. It’s therefore important to give them extra care and attention before, during and after the move – ensuring they are settled. [source: helpiammoving.com]You’ll also need to change the address on their collar tags, along with the home phone number if one is included.
- When packing make sure you’re organised. A top tip involves packing one room at a time and clearly labelling the boxes, you should also use this time to de-clutter and throw away anything you no longer need.
Moving Day – Don’t Let the Stress Beat You:
- As you leave your old property and with everything packed into the removal van, take a final reading of your gas and electricity metres, so you can provide your utility provider with the correct information. It’s also recommended to take metre readings as soon as you reach your new property, as this will prevent you from having to pay for someone else’s usage. [source: reallymoving.com]
- Before unloading the removal van, give the property a once over to ensure all fixtures and fittings which were mentioned in the sale are present and correct. If they’re not, make a list of what is missing and contact your solicitor at the earliest opportunity. [source: moveme.com]
- It’s also recommended to check the garden and outbuildings to make sure everything is in order, that the boundary fences are secure, and there isn’t any damage.
- Moving is thirsty work, so you need to make sure your kettle, tea, milk and cups are easy to get to once you’ve moved in as this will allow you to have a much needed cuppa (once you’ve carried out a few checks of your new home).
- Give your new home a clean. In an ideal world the previous occupants would have cleaned the property, but we all have our own standards of cleanliness so it’s recommended to give your new home a thorough clean before any furniture is moved in.
- As part of the cleaning process, give the floors a thorough vacuum before cleaning them with a steam mop and don’t forget to give the windows a clean using the Karcher window vac.
- If appliances have been left behind as part of the sale, don’t forget these too – particularly the cooker, cooker hood and hob all of which should be provided with a thorough clean to remove the build up of any grease.
- If you’re lucky enough to have been left a washing machine or dishwasher, we recommend you carry out a maintenance wash with a limescale and detergent remover.
- Let your fridge / freezer settle. Whether you’ve brought your fridge / freezer from your old home or you’ve had new ones delivered, leave them to settle in their new location for at least 12 hours before turning them on.
- Even if you move during the summer months, try your central heating. If there’s an issue with it, you’ll be more likely to get someone round to fix it then you are during the cold winter months.
- You cannot put a price on your loved ones’ safety which is why it’s important to test any smoke alarms, CO2 alarms and other devices which will enhance your safety. If these aren’t working, fix them. If there aren’t any installed, install them.It’s also recommended that you change the external locks, as you never know how many people or who has had keys in the past to enter the property.
- Find your stopcock sooner rather than later. The last thing you want to do is be left searching for this in an emergency situation, and with your new home relatively empty still now is the perfect time to locate it. You should also find the main circuit board and if this hasn’t already been labelled, label it yourself.
- Introduce yourself to your neighbours at the earliest opportunity. This is a great chance to find out more about the area and to see if there is a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Getting to know the neighbours is also a great way to help you and your family settle in to the area – making your new property feel like home.
- With the home cleaned, checks carried out and your fridge / freezer in location, it’s time to unload the removal van and to put the boxes in the correct rooms. But don’t, no matter how tempting it may be, unpack everything at once.In fact, it’s recommended you only unpack the essentials for the first night such as the kettle, crockery, cutlery and bedding. With these unpacked, order a takeaway, open a bottle of wine and relax with your family. The unpacking can wait until the next day when you’re fully rested.
Having a checklist of things you need to do before moving and on the moving day will help to significantly reduce the stress of moving. Is there something which you feel should be included on this checklist? Share it within the comment section below.
Teresa C.
on July 15, 2015 at 1:00 pm -
Anything you can pack ahead will save you time on moving day. If it’s summer, get your winter clothes out of the way. You don’t really need 5 radios or TV’s around your house for the last few days there. Box up your shampoo and extra toothpaste and live out of a travel cosmetic case for the last week or two.
on July 15, 2015 at 3:40 pm -
Some great tips Teresa, many thanks for sharing them.
Alicia Glover
on September 17, 2015 at 2:36 pm -
Great tips! When I moved to my new apartment my first job was to met with my new neighbors. The result was that I found one amazing friend.I hope you are as lucky as me. Greetings!
Jessie Greyson
on October 12, 2015 at 2:10 pm -
Your tips are thoughtful and helpful. Helping people is not something we could commonly see nowadays. Kudos on what you do and keep up the great work!