Cleaning Made Easy with a Steam Cleaner
September 25, 2014 | Cleaning Tips  |  DIY & Home Improvement | No comments
American interior design, Mario Buatta once said that “dust is a protective coating for fine furniture”, and whilst this may be true, there’s only so much dust and dirt that can be taken within a home until someone cracks and brings out the cleaning products.
However, very few of us, if any of us actually enjoy running the vacuum and duster around the home, let alone providing a deep clean of the home, which can take hours to complete and still leave areas of your home looking as though they have been untouched.
One of the best ways to tackle some of those tougher jobs is to invest in a steam cleaner.
Deep Clean Made Easy:
Suitable for use on carpets, curtains, chairs, sofas and hard flooring; through to mattresses, work surfaces and oven tops. In-fact, a steam cleaner can be used effortlessly on most, if not all surfaces in and around your home, providing you with a thorough clean in a matter of minutes without the use of chemical cleaning products; rather than the hours you may previously have spent.
Along with being suitable on pretty much all surfaces within your home, a steam cleaner makes light work of removing all types of dirt from within your home, collecting more dust from your surfaces, removing dog hair from carpets and upholstery, providing a shine to your wooden / tiled floor, and evaporating grease from ovens and hobs.
Whatever cleaning task you’re faced with, using your steam cleaner will help you tackle the job in no time and with ease; and what’s more it is….
Environmentally Friendly:
More and more of us are beginning to consider our eco-footprint and are taking steps to be more environmentally friendly, such as recycling household waste where possible – so why not take this approach to your cleaning?
Put away the vast collection of cleaning products in your home, step away from the vacuum and take a more environmentally friendly approach to cleaning with a steam cleaner.
A steam cleaner offers an environmentally friendly approach to your cleaning, as it heats water in an enclosed boiler to generate steam, the steam is then transferred (at high pressure) through a hose with a cleaning tool attached to clean the surfaces in question.
The benefit of this being that all that’s required to clean is water and the steam cleaner; no chemicals, no additional cloths, nothing – therefore whenever you turn to your steam cleaner instead of the traditional cleaning tools you’re doing your bit for the environment (well done!).
But that’s not all, the use of a steam cleaner within your home offers…
Health Benefits:
Not only does the use of a steam cleaner guarantee a cleaner house from top to bottom, but it also offers a number of health benefits for you and your family; with one of the main health benefits being that it can help reduce allergic reactions.
A little unknown fact is that dust mites are only second to pollen in causing allergic reactions, with reactions most likely to occur within the bed. However, due to offering a deep clean, steam cleaners are more effective at removing dust mites from your home, along with bed bugs and fleas.
Saves Time and Money:
From offering a deep clean of all surfaces within your home to bringing about health benefits, by now you should already be searching the for the best steam cleaner for your requirements; but if you need any further encouragement, how about it saves you time and money.
Cleaning your home in the traditional way, with a vacuum cleaner, duster and various cleaning products is going to be time consuming (even more so if you have wooden or laminate flooring), not to mention expensive due to the various cleaning products which are required.
A steam cleaner on the other hand can be used across all surfaces (including your mattress) and requires no cleaning products. Put simply this means you do not need to spend time chopping and changing your cleaning item of choice, nor do you have to spend money on cleaning products – we’d call this a win-win situation!
There we have it, the only reasons you could ever need to use a steam cleaner in your home to guarantee a perfect clean without the need for spending hours tackling the dirt and dust.
Tags: Cleaning, Home Improvements, Steam Cleaner