How using your microwave could help you save more money!
May 18, 2022 | General Appliance Care & Advice  |  Money Saving Tips & Tricks | No comments
Ovens are an appliance we all regularly use in our homes for cooking and preparing food. Unfortunately, ovens can also use a lot of energy and prove to be quite costly, especially when energy bills are on the rise. That’s why microwaves are a great alternative to help you combat those costs while you cook at home!
Modern microwaves can often carry out as many, if not all of the same functions as an oven. However, the costs are certainly not the same, as we’re about to show you. Read on to learn why using your microwave could help you save more money than using your oven!
Less is more
When it comes to energy usage, it’s simply a fact that microwaves are a great deal more efficient. For comparison, microwaves tend to use around 1500 watts of energy, whereas an electric oven’s energy usage can range from anywhere between 2000 watts to a whopping 5000 watts. Of course, the costs of both of these appliances will vary depending on your specific models. However, the fact remains that microwaves generally don’t nearly make the same impact on your energy bill as ovens do.
Size does matter!
There’s a range of reasons why microwaves use less energy than ovens. One of these reasons is the size difference. Ovens are larger than microwaves and, as a result, often take much longer to heat up and get to the correct temperature for cooking. This means that your oven is using energy for some time before you’ve even put your food in to cook, never mind during the actual cooking process. Microwaves, on the other hand, are generally significantly smaller. This not only means they require less energy to use, but also that they reach the correct temperature almost instantly.
Time is money
Of course, you can’t necessarily always use your microwave to cook food instead of an oven. Some foods simply aren’t microwave-suitable when it comes to cooking… but when you can use your microwave, the time difference is undeniable. Countless meals can be cooked in a microwave in only a fraction of the time they would take to cook in an oven. Considering microwaves use less energy anyway, the time difference only further serves to demonstrate how microwaves use less energy and are far cheaper to run.
The verdict…
All in all, it’s indisputable that microwaves provide a more energy-efficient and cost-effective way to cook your food. And, while it may not always be suitable for every meal at hand, it’s a good idea to keep your microwave in mind. Whether it’s planning meals that will allow you to use your microwave over your cooker, or simply being conscious of not always using your oven as your default cooking appliance, you can save a ton of money and energy by prioritising your microwave whenever possible.
Our closing tips
Now that you’re aware of the benefits of using a microwave, it’s always a good idea to make sure you know what you’re doing! Here are some ways you can make sure you’re still getting great results when using your microwave instead of your oven…
- Since food cooks faster in a microwave, it’s good to know exactly how long you should microwave food for. A good general rule is dividing the time by four. For example, if the food you’re cooking would usually take 40 minutes in the oven, 10 minutes in the microwave should do the trick. However, you should always double-check your food is microwave safe first.
- Once your food is done cooking in the microwave, leave it to stand inside the microwave for a few minutes. This will allow it to cook in the middle without burning the edges. For meat, you should let it stand in the microwave for about 10 to 15 minutes, whereas casseroles and vegetable dishes can be left to stand for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Microwaves don’t produce hot air, which means excess liquids won’t get evaporated. Because of this, it’s a good idea to not use quite as much sauce as you would if you were oven cooking your food. Otherwise, your meal might end up being saucier than expected!
For more tips, check out our blog post on how to cook food in the microwave without ruining it and learn how microwaves can produce far better results than they often get credit for!
Tags: Energy Saving, Energy Saving Tips, Microwave, Microwave Tips