7 Inspiring Origin Stories of eSpares Heroes!
April 14, 2022 | eSpares Updates  |  Repair, Re-use & Recycle | 1 comment
Our customers are heroes. Their families and friends look up to them in wonder as the appliances in their homes, that previously sat broken and forlorn, now complete tasks with ease. By learning the stories of how they repaired their appliances and taking their lead, you too can become a legend and protect your household machines.
These heroic individuals have not only saved the day but have also saved money and in some cases even saved their relationships!

1. Case in point, Thomas:
“eSpares.co.uk saved my marriage!
I broke the striking pin on the tumble dryer and promptly bought a new one at a reasonable price which arrived in just two days. Now I don’t have to sleep in the garden anymore. Thank you eSpares!”
Thomas Watson

2. When life gave him lemons Marc knew what to do:
“Easy peasy lemon squeezy… click click and done.
Broken dishwasher, found the part on eSpares bought it and eSpares delivered promptly… dishwasher working… I’m the hero of the hour… but really it was eSpares.”
Marc Wilson

3. Brian is even considering giving up his day job:
“So easy I must consider doing this for a living.
3rd time I have used eSpares. Buy the product, watch the video, change the part, enjoy the hero worship. This is made so easy. Highly recommend.”
Brian Dunphy

4. Nicolas has already started encouraging others to embrace their heroic side:
“eSpares turns regular people into domestic heroes!
I always recommend eSpares to my friends. The go-to place for electrical spares. It’s great that you can check the part will fit beforehand and the videos and troubleshooting help on the site is so helpful.”
Nicholas Thurston

5. Marital bliss triumphs in Mark’s home:
Found the part I needed – eSpares confirmed it would suit my particular model – ordered it – received it – installed it – washing machine working – wife happy… eSpares will help your marriage.”
Mark Kincaid

6. Bra-vo to newly appointed hero Antony:
“My girlfriend thinks I am a hero now I have fixed the washing machine.
After finding a piece of metal from a bra wedged in the filter, resulting in a burnt out pump, I ordered a new part from eSpares which worked. I am now a hero!”
Antony Kent

7. In Joanna’s family, heroism is passed down through the generations:
“The control knob on our Rangemaster Fan Oven got broken by an engineer! He denied all responsibility, so I was faced with another repair bill. It was my mum who suggested I look up eSpares as she had used them in the past with success. I was a little apprehensive about getting the right spare but I needn’t have worried as a handy chat box popped up asking if I needed help.”
Joanna Clifton
Ready to join our heroes and save your own appliances? You don’t have to be exposed to DNA-altering radiation or inherit a sickeningly large family fortune. All you need to do is to find the strength inside yourself to take on the challenge (we know it’s there) and then follow our step by step guide. The age of the eSpares hero is upon us.
One Comment
Kate clegg
on July 24, 2017 at 4:57 pm -
My husband pulled the washer out stripped it to bits replaced the drum bearings refit less
than a week after coming out of Hospital having had a cancers Kidney removed a real tight YORKSHIREMAN wouldn’t. pay someone to do a job he could do
((Works perfectly.).