eSpares International Turns 5!
May 24, 2021 | eSpares Updates | No comments
It’s official – eSpares international is five years old, and we couldn’t be more proud! In the years that have passed since we opened up for business across Europe, we’ve seen tremendous growth thanks to our customers and the hard work of our International Team alike. That’s a cause for celebration.
So, while we pop open the champagne and slice into the birthday cake, let’s take a look at where we’ve taken eSpares International over the last five years!
The Journey So Far…
We first opened our eSpares International websites in 2016, spreading all things spares and repairs beyond the UK. With the means to deliver spare parts and accessories to France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Austria, eSpares International saw us able to assist, communicate with and provide for customers across Europe. Considering how passionate we are about the economical and environmental benefits of repairing over replacing, this was a huge leap for us. The more, the merrier!
We soon realised that we wanted to be able to offer our customers overseas the same benefits available to those in the UK. That’s why, in 2019, we acquired a French distribution company, CDS Europe, and bought a new warehouse in France. This meant that our customers all over Europe, in France and beyond, could benefit from ‘livraison rapide’ – that’s ‘fast delivery’ for us Brits.
Since then, business has only continued to expand, which is great news – both for us and our customers. And, while the last five years have been full of success, there are a few highlights that are really worth shouting from the rooftops…
eSpare International Highlights
The last year has been especially rewarding for eSpares International. From reaching notable milestones to experiencing continuous growth, here are some achievements we just can’t help but boast about:
- We’ve been seeing around 30-40% annual sales growth across European countries, year on year, with the last year being especially successful despite a highly competitive market.
- 60% of parcels sent to European countries are now coming directly from our warehouse in France instead of the UK – a huge achievement.
- We’re now sending out half a million international orders a year – a number which only keeps on growing!
And this is only the beginning. We are now looking at new languages so we can launch websites in more countries, including Portugal and the Netherlands. We also have a US website going strong and growing by 100% year on year, with customers from all over the world – including New Zealand, South Africa and Canada!
But before we move on, feel free to take a look at our current international websites for yourself:
Give it up for our team!
Of course, we couldn’t celebrate 5 years of growth and success without giving credit where credit is due. Our International Team has consistently gone above and beyond to make eSpares International the success that it is, and for that they have our endless gratitude. With French, German, Spanish and Italian speakers on the team, as well as many other nationalities, we literally could not have done this without them!
Here are some quotes about working in the eSpares International Team from our hard workers themselves:
Anouar Baichou, Head of Internation eCommerce
“The past year especially has been incredible for the international team! Over the past 5 years, we have developed sites in France, Spain, Germany, Italy and Austria and are now expanding even more. I am very proud to be part of this team, and I’d like to say a big thank you to all those in it! Everyone works extremely hard and all play a huge part in our continued success. The business is really supporting what we do too, which is fantastic.”
Cameron Renshawe, Digital Marketing Assistant
“Being a part of the International Team for the last year and a half has been a real pleasure. I appreciate working with colleagues that have a positive influence and always take the time to help each other out. They really make the office a happy atmosphere to be in.”
Federica Bucci, International Data Translator
“Working in an international team allows you to get to know people from different cultures, which is always good. Also, during these 2 years, I have had the opportunity to meet new people and make friends, which is great!”
Sylvie Sylla, Digital Marketing Assistant
“Working in the international team has been a great experience as it has given me the opportunity to learn about different cultures. I have been working for the company for 8 years now and I have great people in my team whom I really enjoy working with. I have learned new skills that will definitely help me moving forward.”
Reading about all of these positive experiences from our team is especially rewarding, for what is eSpares without its hard workers? Our pride is immeasurable, and we can’t wait to see what magic each and every member of the team will bring in the coming years too. So here’s to five years of eSpares International – may there be many, many more!
But now, if you’ll excuse us, we have this absolutely delicious looking cake to dig into, courtesy of our very own Sylvie Sylla.
Bon Appétit!
Tags: eSpares, eSpares International, eSpares News, News