21 simple ways to make the most out of summer 2021!
May 31, 2021 | Lifestyle | No comments
It’s been a long winter! But, now that the sun has finally shown its face, we’re here to help you make the summer of 2021 the best one yet.
Whether you’re at the fair with the kids, enjoying your first meal (or drink) inside the pub, you’ve driven more than 5 miles or it’s just your 5th time outdoors in one day, this summer is the time to make the most of every moment! If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that the little things mean the most.
To help you with your summer bucket list, here are 21 things you must do this summer 2021!
1. Be a tourist in your home town
Yes, you may have lived there for years, but have you really seen it? Get out and really explore your home town, take photos and discover new places.
2. Watch a sunrise
Get up at the crack of dawn and make the most of a full day in the sun!
3. Go out for food
Ditch the lockdown picnics and enjoy a cooked meal, either inside or outdoors. Ah, the bliss!
4. Go on a nature walk
Lockdown made us appreciate nature more than ever before. Don’t lose this appreciation now that restrictions have lifted, and continue on your nature adventures.
5. Learn a new language
And prepare for your next travel destination (fingers crossed it’s soon!)
6. Go to a funfair
Thrill-seekers, hook a duck champions and candy floss cravers, there’s something for everyone during a day at the fair.
7. Build a sandcastle
Because who said it’s just for kids?
8. Fly a kite
And feel the freedom!
9. Go camping
If you’re not ready to go abroad just yet, camping in the great outdoors is an exciting and calming way to escape for a few days.
10. Attend a sporting event
It doesn’t have to be anything huge. Find a sport you’re interested in and go and support your local team. They’ll need it after this year!
11. Plant a garden
Even though you’ll be out and about this summer, don’t forget about your garden! Keep your flowers watered and the colours blooming.
12. Go to an outdoor concert
Outdoor events are back on, so make sure you go and see the artist you’ve been dying to watch and dance the night away.
13. Host a barbecue
Because nothing says summer like the sweet smell of a barbecue, yum!
14. Complete a goal
We’re guessing you probably took up a new hobby during lockdown, so why not turn that hobby into something bigger! If it was running, complete your first 5K and reap the benefits of your newfound love!
15. Host a games night
Ditch the zoom quiz and host a good old fashioned games night in person. So long the yells of ‘you’re on mute!’
16. Chase the ice cream truck
And have all the toppings!
17. Volunteer
Help out the charities that have really struggled over the past year and offer some of your time to help them.
18. Get a new haircut
Bored of the same old lockdown hair? We hear you! Make a change, get a new style or a new colour and embrace your new summer do.
19. See family and friends as much as possible
Say yes to every plan and make up for lost time.
20. Take the photo!
Whether it’s of your first pint in a pub or a long-awaited day at the seaside, take a photo and remember how good it felt.
21. Make a memory jar
Speaking of memories, write down all the little amazing things you did and the memories you shared this summer and put them in a jar or a scrapbook. Look back on it when the season is over and keep it as a memory of your most appreciated summer!
As well as a long summer, let’s hope it’s a hot one too! If you need some help keeping cool though, check out our tips on what to do to help you sleep in the heat.
Whatever you’re planning to do this summer, make sure it’s the best one yet!
Tags: summer, summer 2021