14 ways to stay warm when working from home
October 8, 2020 | Lifestyle | No comments
When working from home, keeping warm without spiking your energy bills can be a real challenge. Although we’re saving on the long commute and pricey work lunches, using your heating day in and day out can quickly counteract those savings! Here are some solutions…
To help you fend of the chills without spending a small fortune, we’ve got some great tips on how to keep warm when working from home. With these, you can remain toasty without having to worry about constantly being drawn to your thermostat!
1. Layer up!
Layers, layers and more layers are the answer! Find any blankets you have lying around, get out your warmest jumpers and pop your thermals on underneath for extra warmth.
2. Limit your heating
If you do put the heating on, try and limit it to half an hour or so in the morning just to take the chill out of the air.
3. Focus your heating
Turn your radiators in the rest of the house down so you can concentrate on heating the room you are working in. That way, turning on your heating isn’t so costly or wasteful!
4. Go electric
You can also heat one room by investing in an electric radiator. It’s cheaper than having the heating on and you can place it next to your desk to get the best of the heat!
5. Keep it closed!
Keep your doors and windows closed to stop draughts getting in. This might sound obvious, but it’s pretty easy to accidentally leave windows open a crack without realising it before it gets chilly.
6. Close your curtains
Closing your blinds and curtains can also help with keeping the heat in, so make sure you do this to add an extra layer of warmth to your home.
7. Upgrade your blanket
Wrapping up in blankets is a great way to get warm… but investing in an electrical heated blanket is even better! You won’t ever want to leave your desk.
8. Bottle it up
Is there anything more comforting than a hot water bottle on your lap? Use one while you’re working to warm yourself up and keep your hands warm too.
9. Hot dining
Fill up on warm lunches like soup, stews and other heated meals. This will warm you from the inside out, and it will make much more of a difference than eating cold food when it’s chilly outside.
10. Put the kettle on
Keep topped up with warm drinks such as tea, coffee or yummy hot chocolates. This will have the same effect as eating hot food… but of course, you can’t eat all day, so hot drinks will keep you going!
11. Move it, move it!
Do a 10-minute exercise before you start work or a quick dance session on your lunch break! Try to keep moving throughout the day and get your blood pumping.
12. Block the draughts
Even when you check all your doors are closed, draughts can still sneak into your home and cool it down. Invest in a draught blocker to keep the cold at bay.
13. Accessorise!
A lot of heat escapes from your head, hands and feet. So, pop on your woolly hat, fingerless gloves and plenty of socks when it gets really cold!
14. Treat your feet
Another way to warm up from the feet up is with an electrical foot warmer. They keep your tootsies warm and help you stay cosy too!
For more ways to save money when working from home, check our tips on saving money and energy around your home.