Man Inside DIY Cupboard

The ultimate DIY how-don't guide!

We all know that DIY doesn’t always go according to plan. Well, with our help you can avoid those plastered toes, screwless chair legs and disastrous redecorating!

Here is your ultimate guide of exactly what not to do when performing DIY.

Believe it will fit in your car

It’s not as big as you think!

Gif Of Woman Jumping On Car Bonnet

Take measuring for granted

Measure, measure and measure once more!

Man Measuring TV With Hands

Buy another paint tin (just in case)

Only buy what you need, you can always go back for more!

Cartoon Slipping On Paint Tins

Believe it’s tight enough

If you think it’s tight enough, screw it in some more. You’ll wish you did!

Man Saying "we're all screwed"

Wear sandals (ouch)

Enough said!

Shocked Man With "Mother Of God" Caption

Trust your memory

Always, always, always take a photo or draw diagrams of how it was before. Trust us, you won’t remember where every screw, every wire or every part went!

Man Pointing To Head For Memory

Believe that flatpack furniture comes with “extra screws”

It just doesn’t!

Man Falling Backwards On Chair

Just paint over it

It will only come back, and probably worse!

Cartoon Hiding Into Bush

Believe it will fit through the door

Again, please do your measuring!

Dog Trying To Get Stick Through Gate

Think you can do everything

You can’t! Get as much help as you can or split jobs into different days.

Man Juggling DIY Equipment

Say “that will do!”

It won’t, ever!

Danny Devito Walking Away From Fire

Now you know exactly what not to do, here are some tips to tell you exactly what to do!

Happy DIYing!

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