Everything you need to perfect your baking
May 13, 2020 | Foodie Tips | No comments
Budding bakers of Britain listen up!
If you’ve been suffering from soggy cupcakes or moaning about misshaped muffins, it’s not you, it’s your equipment! Having the right tools for your baking can make all the difference to your finished result.
Here is a guide to everything you need to create fabulous flapjacks, brilliant brownies and creative cupcakes for all the family to enjoy!
The Prep
Weighing Scales
You need the correct amount of ingredients to ensure your cakes turns out perfectly. A good set of weighing scales will help you.
Measuring Jug
Many baking recipes include oil, milk or other liquid ingredients. Make sure you’ve got the correct amount with a measuring jug.

Oven Liner
Save any leaks or spillages with an oven liner which will also save a lot of cleaning too!
Cake Tin
A good cake calls for a good cake tin! Be sure to use the correct sized tin that your recipe states to get the perfect size and shape.
Cupcake Tin
If it’s cupcakes you’re making then a cupcake tin is a must! Stop your cupcakes from spilling over and help them keep their shape.
Baking tray
Baking trays are a must for brownies, tray bakes and many more! Invest in a good baking tray and save your baking!
Baking Parchment
You need this to line your tins and trays and to wrap certain cakes before baking. It will stop the cake from sticking and make sure it comes out nice and spongy!
A sieve is needed to include important ingredients like flour or icing sugar without lumps. Because lumpy ingredients means lumpy cakes!
Rolling Pin
If you’re rolling out dough or icing for breads, cookies or cakes, you’re going to need a good rolling pin to help you get a great result and yummy desserts!
The Mixing
Mixing bowl
It’s useful to have a large mixing bowl. It can be plastic, metal or glass but ensure it is heatproof in case you need to put it in the microwave.
Whisking is essential for most baking projects to help mix ingredients and give food volume. Invest in a quality whisk and reap the delicious benefits!
Wooden spoon
For baking that doesn’t require too much whisking, a wooden spoon is best. The recipe will usually tell you which one you need to use.
Food Processor
Food processors are great to help with baking. They can whisk your eggs, smooth your cream and chop up any ingredients fast.
Hand Blender
Make quick work of creaming butter and sugar and whipping cream with a hand blender which is great if you don’t have much space.
The Good Bit!
You don’t want to be leaving any cake mixture or chocolate chunks behind! Use a bendy spatular to place the cake in the baking tin and also to remove it.
Cooling Rack
When the wait is finally over, your baking is going to need some time to cool. Invest in a cooling rack to help air circulate around and help avoid sogginess.
The Clean-Up!
Oven Cleaner
Not such a fun part but it is essential! Make sure you’re armed with a good oven cleaner to make the post-baking clean-up operation a whole lot easier!
Tags: Baking, Baking Equipment