19 Firsts You'll Never Forget!
June 21, 2019 | Fix First | No comments
It’s the first day of summer so we’re reminiscing on all those first times we’ll never forget! (even if we really want to!)
There’s a first time for everything! And even if you don’t realise it at the time, it will be a moment you will remember for the rest of your life! So, as we encourage you to think Fix First, we’re looking back on all the other firsts in our lives that are just as important!
Here are 19 life moments we’re sure will bring back that warm fuzzy feeling! (or the sense of dread!)
First fix
Whether it was your car, your washing machine or your sister’s doll that you broke, it’s all the same triumph!
First kiss
(Even though you might want to forget!)
First love
Because as cringe-worthy as it was, it was a big moment!
First car
It was a banger but it got you from A to B and you adored it!
First trip abroad without your parents
It was messy, it was scary but you made it through (tattoos and all!)
First pet
Your best furry friend who slept in your bed and went everywhere with you. (Yes, a Tamagotchi counts)
First job
The nerves, the sweaty palms but it was so worth it!
First salary
The first job comes with a first salary and even though it only lasted for a week, it was the best week of your life!
First home
Shoddy décor and bean bags for chairs but it was yours!
First cooked meal that actually went well
The burning, the food poisoning was definitely worth it for this!
First day of school
Backpack and packed lunch at the ready, you smashed it!
First child
Unconditional love.
First exam
And when you realised you didn’t do as badly as you thought!
First alcoholic drink
We’re not too sure you’ll remember this one!
First gym session
And the pain that lasted for a week.
First mobile phone
The freedom, the text talk, the snake games!
First flat-pack success
It doesn’t matter if it took 12 hours, you defeated that kitchen table like a boss!
First time you stood up for something and won
Bullies, work or the march you took part in, you owned it!
First hair cut
Or first time you cut your own hair (not a good look!)
Tell us some of your favourite (or frightful) firsts in the comments below!
Tags: First Day Of Summer, Fix First