31 Ways Spring Will Screw You Over
April 9, 2019 | Look Good & Feel Good | No comments
To coat or not to coat?
When you have to wear 10 layers of clothing in the morning only to shed down to one t-shirt in the afternoon, when you’re packing your bag with both your umbrella and your sunnys, you’re not going crazy. You’ve just reached the wonderful season of spring!
Sure, spring is the celebration of new life and the lead up to summer but it sure does come with its downfalls (literally!) Here are 31 things you should prepare to be annoyed about this spring!
The sun finally shines through your window and you realise how much they need a clean!
Everyone is talking about cleaning.
You wonder whether to take a coat but regret it when you do.
You don’t take a coat and freeze to death!
Its BBQ time right? Not until you’ve cleaned the BBQ from last year’s mess. Eugh!
Your garden looks like something out of Jungle Book.
You realise your lawn mower hasn’t been cleaned since last summer.
When you finally convince yourself to mow the lawn, here comes the rain!
You can no longer fit into your spring wardrobe.
But the weather is too nice to sweat it out in the gym.
And who wants to run outside?
It’s the hottest day of the year so far and you’re at work.
The weekend finally arrives. It’s raining.
Finally, a day comes that you can get to the beer garden only to find that everyone in the UK had the same idea.
So you sit inside away from the window thinking it may as well be winter.
You decide to sit in the park instead. There’s an adult on every bench and a child on every swing.
You give up and decide your own garden is the best bet only to find the sun has gone in.
There is chocolate EVERYWHERE. (Revert to point 9.)
You lose a whole hour of sleep!
Then have to hear everyone talking about how much that hour has affected them.
You ditch the tumble dryer and hang your washing outside. It rains.
It finally stops raining so you put it out and your neighbour has a BBQ.
You open the windows for some fresh air, then have to spend the next couple of hours pretending you’re not freezing.
The shops are full of swimming costumes. (Revert to point 9.)
Goodbye winter colds, hello hayfever.
You can finally wear bright colours, but your wardrobe matches Morticia Addams’.
It doesn’t feel warm enough to wear sun cream, but you still wake up the next day looking like a beetroot.
And now you have a t-shirt tan.
Every conversation you enter is about the weather.
The sound of the ice cream van becomes the theme tune of your evenings. (Revert to point 9.)
You finally accept that this is life until summer.
Tags: Signs of spring, Spring