Can You Get More Than 5/10 In This Really Tricky Emoji Challenge?
March 31, 2017 | Quizzes | No comments
So we know you eSpares shoppers are masters of repairs and DIY aficionados. But how are you at puzzles? To stretch your brain and challenge your grey matter we’ve got a little emoji challenge for you themed on what we do (spare parts, fixes and the like).
Answers can be found at the bottom once you’re ready for them (no peeking!)
Emoji Challenge Accepted
1. We’ll start with an easy one…
2. Breaking you in gently with a few more that shouldn’t take too long to guess…
5. Getting trickier…
8. Our personal favourite (say what you see).
9. This one is really quite hard…
10. Our copywriter thought this one was genius. (However, when the rest of the team found out the answer they thought she was a .)
Emoji Challenge Answers
Want to check your answers? (Or perhaps you’re ready to give up?) All will be revealed below.
Click For AnswersThe best our team could manage was 9/10. The average score was about 4, so maybe we should stick to repairing things in the future. Let us know how your score compared below or on our Facebook page!
Tags: DIY Quiz, Emoji Challenge