Oven Broken? Cook a Salmon Supper in Your Dishwasher! #appliancehacks
July 14, 2016 | #appliancehacks | 2 comments
If your oven’s broken down you can still cook delicious salmon… in your dishwasher! Just season the salmon and seal it carefully in an airtight foil package or vacuum bag. You can add asparagus in a sealed jar too as the perfect accompaniment. Run the dishwasher on the hottest setting and enjoy perfectly cooked fish and veggies when the cycle ends.
Yes, you can still use detergent and run a wash at the same time! In fact we recommend it to save energy. Just make sure whenever you use your dishwasher for cooking all the food is in airtight parcels or containers. You don’t want salmon à la soap suds or oily fish residue all over your clean dishes.

- Lemon or lime slices
- Garlic or sliced onions
- Salt & pepper
- Spices such as paprika or cumin
- Herbs such as parsley, lemongrass, thyme, tarragon, rosemary, basil or dill
- Olive oil
- A knob of butter
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on October 3, 2016 at 7:24 am -
Testing the user profile image plugin
on October 3, 2016 at 3:02 pm -