The Many Facelifts of the eSpares Website!
July 21, 2016 | eSpares Updates | No comments
Ever wondered where it all began? As promised we’re about to share with you a tale of how we’ve changed throughout the years and how our website has evolved with us. As we’ve recently launched our shiny new site, now is a perfect time!
It all started with the desire to help normal, ordinary folk to save money by supplying them with spare parts for their appliances directly. Letting customers fix their own faulty fridges and cookers has helped bank balances and the environment ever since. Millions of appliances have been saved from the cruel fate of a trip to the dump!
Some of our lovely customers have shopped with us since the very beginning, in which case seeing the old sites again may be a trip down memory lane. Others who’ve just found us may well be interested to see how we’ve changed over the years.
The First-Ever eSpares Website
Here’s our very first site. Ever wondered what the “e” in eSpares stands for. (Probably not, but we’re going to tell you anyway!) We started out way back when as “Electrical Spares”, but eSpares is a lot less of a mouthful. Note the PlayStation 2 controllers and Sky Gamepads; you don’t see many of those around these days!
Fun fact, the blue and white design of our first site came from our original MD, who was an avid Chelsea supporter. (A later MD was a big Arsenal fan, so even a humble spare parts company isn’t exempt from London football team rivalry.)
eSpares Is Born
Next up our second site, the first to feature the company name eSpares. Also featured, a top of the range 512MB memory card. Wouldn’t get many pictures on that now!
Our Third Website
Third the most recent site. Anybody who’s bought from us over the last couple of years will most likely recognise this one.
Present Day!
Last but most certainly not least, our brand spanking new site. You can explore this one for yourself.
Having friendly, authentic relationships with our customers is just as important to us now as it was back then. We don’t want to sell you parts with a load of jargon or incomprehensible information and let you get on with it. That’s not going to get appliances going again. But with our videos, articles, and tips you should be able to find the parts you need and the information to help you carry out DIY repairs.
Thank you to all for your support over the years. We hope we’ll be able to help you repair your appliances many times in the future!
Tags: eSpares Website