Top 5 Easy Cleaning Tips for Entertaining
April 15, 2016 | Cleaning Tips | No comments
Fitting in the time to keep your house spick and span can be tricky when you have a busy job and/or hectic schedule. We understand. But if you’ve got guests coming over you’ve got a great excuse to take the bull by the horns (and the vacuum cleaner by the handle) and scrub, clean and polish your home to perfection. Whether you’re hosting a birthday party, housewarming party, dinner party or just a friendly get together, here’s our advice for an easy pre-party spruce up.
Clean smart to avoid having to re-visit areas

Pay most attention to areas where guests will be
Once you’ve got into cleaning mode it’s easy to get sidetracked. Suddenly you find yourself two hours later having achieved nothing more than colour coding your wardrobe or organising the plant pots in your garden shed. Whilst (don’t get us wrong) these are perfectly worthy endeavours your guests are much more likely to notice a dirty toilet or dusty coffee table. Save the organisation of your cupboards for when you have a spare afternoon. Concentrate instead on your on living room, bathroom and guest bedrooms if your guests are staying over. These are the areas of your home your guests will actually see and you’ll be able to check cleaning off your pre-party to do list more quickly. (Now you’ve just got to tackle grocery shopping, food prep, decorations… the list continues…)
Clean out your fridge

Open a window
One very simple trick to make your home smell fresher and the air feel cleaner is to crack open a window. Airing out your rooms will remove any musty smells or lingering food or pet odours. If the weather’s good you can leave the window open to add a nice breeze to the party atmosphere. If there’s a chill in the air though, adjust your heating accordingly after ventilating your rooms so your guests aren’t shivering when they arrive! Rooms still smelling a bit musty? You can easily add some freshness to your home while you vacuum with carpet cleaning powder or vacuum cleaner air fresheners.
Make space for additional clutter

All said and done, there’s no need to exhaust yourself making everything spotless just because company is coming. Your guests will be far too busy having a good time to notice peeling wallpaper or that cobweb you missed on the ceiling. And after all the effort you’ve put in scrubbing and polishing you deserve a drink yourself. Time to get the party started!
Tags: Appliance Cleaning, Cleaning Tips