How To Save Money With Your Fridge
September 8, 2015 | Kitchen Appliances Repair, Help & Advice | No comments
Running a fridge can be expensive, especially when you consider the appliance is constantly left on. How much energy your fridge consumes will depend on how old the appliance is, its make and model.
That said, there are steps you can take to work out how energy efficient your fridge will be – and therefore how much it will cost to run, and how to improve the energy efficiency of the appliance. In this post we explain how you can work out how much your fridge costs you and what you can do to reduce the costs.
How Much Does Your Fridge Cost To Run?
It is estimated that the average cost of a fridge-freezer for the year is £62, with the figure being based on the fridge-freezer having an average energy consumption of 427 kWh/year. A standalone fridge with an average energy consumption of 162 kWh/year on the other hand is estimated to cost as little as £23.50 a year. [source: Thisismoney.co.uk]
Whilst these are rough estimates of how much a fridge will cost, the EU energy rating will also give you a good understanding of how much your energy consumption your fridge uses. Since the summer of 2012 EU energy ratings have ranged from A+++ (the most energy efficient) to A, a change from the previous rating of A to G.
However, whilst the energy rating will give you some indication as to how energy efficient your appliance is, you can gain a more accurate reading of how much your fridge is costing you by using the equation below:
Watts ÷ 1000 (to get KW) multiplied by minutes ÷ 60 = consumption
Consumption multiplied by unit cost (as found on electricity bill) = cost to run appliance
3 Ways To Reduce How Much Your Fridge Is Costing You:
- Set the Right Temperature – your fridge should be between 3⁰C and 5⁰C. If it is any higher or lower your motor will be having to work harder, which will mean more energy is being consumed – costing you money.
- Location Counts – where you keep your fridge can make all the difference to how well it works and how hard your motor has to work to keep the appliance cool. As a rule of thumb you should keep your fridge 10cm away from the wall to allow air to circulate, particularly around the coils. Along with ensuring air is able to circulate around the coils, keep the coils clean.The fridge should also be kept away from direct heat such as direct sunlight and the cooker.
- Clean & Maintain – cleaning your fridge will help you keep unpleasant odours at bay and ensure you’re not keeping products in there which have passed their best-before dates and are therefore being chilled unnecessarily.In addition to regularly cleaning your fridge, you should make sure it is well maintained, paying particular attention to the door seals.
Damaged door seals can result in cool air escaping from your fridge, which means your motor will be working harder and you’ll be spending more on its energy consumption. Test the performance of your fridge door seals by seeing if you can slide a £5 note between the body of the fridge and door seal, if you can you will need to purchase and fit a replacement fridge door seal.
With a few simple steps and a little extra care being taken each time you use your fridge, you can help save money on your utility bills – whilst it can also help prolong the life of your appliance, helping to save you even more.
For further tips and advice on getting the most out of your fridge and other household appliances, don’t forget to check the eSpares blog on a weekly basis.
Tags: Energy Saving, Fridge, Money Saving Tips, Utility Bills