Get a Whiter Smile with Electric Toothbrushes
January 9, 2015 | Look Good & Feel Good | No comments
When it comes to achieving a whiter smile, your brushing technique combined with how often you brush and the length of time you’re cleaning will make a big difference. An additional step in helping you achieve a whiter smile is to switch from a manual to an electric toothbrush as these remove more plaque – providing fresher breath.
But how do you know which toothbrush is right for you? To give you a helping hand at selecting the right electric toothbrush, we’ve compiled the following guide.
When it comes to cleaning teeth, electric toothbrushes are fast becoming a popular choice, with over 40% of the UK’s adult population said to be using one. For those considering changing from manual to electric, there are a number of models available, but potentially the best electric toothbrush available is the Braun Oral-B Pro 650 Black.
The Braun Oral-B Pro 650 Black features CrissCross bristles which have been designed to effectively lift away more plaque than your traditional manual toothbrush, whilst the brush head is set at a 16⁰ angle to provide a deeper clean and tooth-by-tooth brushing, ensuring fresher breath every time you clean.
To further help you achieve a whiter smile when using the Braun Oral-B Pro 650 Black, the toothbrush incorporates a 3D movement cleaning system which oscillates, rotates and pulsates when used to mimic the shape of professional cleaning tools, removing 100% more plaque than a manual toothbrush – helping you to achieve a whiter smile.
An alternative electric toothbrush is the Oral-B Pro 2500 Black Limited Edition Rechargeable Toothbrush, which also offers CrissCross bristles and a brush head set at a 16⁰ angle to help you achieve a deeper clean, fresher breath and whiter smile.
With the Oral-B Pro 2500 Black Limited Edition Rechargeable Toothbrush, you also get a 2 minute brushing cycle time which reminds you at 30 second intervals to focus on another area, to help you achieve a perfect smile.
Toothbrush Heads:
Dentists recommend, if using a manual toothbrush, that you change it every three months or sooner if the bristles have become frayed. For those using an electric toothbrush, it’s also important to change the heads when the bristles become frayed, and there’s a wide selection of heads available, including the Braun Oral-B Precision Clean Replacement Toothbrush Heads (Pack of 3).
As your head becomes frayed, the Oral-B Precision Clean Replacement toothbrush heads allow you to simply place a new head onto your toothbrush, giving you a deeper clean than ever before, promoting healthy gums and penetrating hard to reach areas.
Utilising the power of an electric toothbrush and changing the toothbrush head when required, will enable you to achieve a healthier clean than if you were using a manual toothbrush – giving you a whiter smile.