Recipes to Celebrate National Cake Day
November 20, 2014 | Money Saving Tips & Tricks | No comments
Marie Antoinette is reported to have once said “Let them eat cake” and whilst there may be some disagreements as to whether she actually uttered the words, one thing we can be certain of is that November 26th is National Cake Day.
To celebrate National Cake Day we’ve selected a few family favourite cake recipes for you to try out.
Get the Kids Involved:
It’s important to get your children interested in food at the earliest opportunity, although sometimes this can be easier said than done. One great way to get your kids interested in food and eating healthily is to get them involved in the cooking process.
A great recipe, which is also a healthy option, is banana bread.
To make banana bread, you’ll need to preheat the oven at 180⁰C, before sifting 10oz of plain flour with 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and half a teaspoon of salt. In a separate bowl, cream 4oz of butter with 8oz of sugar until it’s light and fluffy.
Once your butter and sugar are creamed together add 2 eggs, 4 mashed bananas, 3fl oz of buttermilk and a teaspoon of vanilla extract; before folding in the flour mixture. With everything mixed together, grease a baking tin before adding the mixture.
Concerned your children won’t eat banana bread? Instead of baking it in a normal baking tin, consider using a different shape mould which will entice the kids.
Summer Classic:
The weather outside may be far from summer and this may not technically be a cake. But it is both easy to bake and delicious to eat, of course, we’re talking about a fruit Pavlova.
To create the perfect Pavlova, preheat the oven at 150⁰C, and on a baking sheet mark out the circumference of a dinner plate. Once you’ve done this, you can concentrate on the mixture, and the first thing you’ll need to do is whisk egg whites from four eggs until they perform stiff peaks.
With the egg whites stiff, add 250g of caster sugar, one tablespoon at a time and continue to whisk. Once the sugar has been added whisk in a teaspoon of white-wine vinegar, a teaspoon of cornflour and a teaspoon of vanilla extract.
Ingredients mixed together spread the meringue inside the circle. The mixture can then be baked in the oven for an hour, before turning off the heat and allowing the Pavlova to cool. Once cooled whisk the double cream to cover the top of the meringue and decorate with your choice of fruit.
Chocolate Oatie Goodness:
Who doesn’t love chocolate? Flapjacks also seem to be a popular choice amongst many. So why not mix the two delights together, in the form of a chocolate oatie tray bake?
To create the chocolate oatie tray bake melt 4oz of margarine, with five drops of vanilla extract in a saucepan, before adding 4oz of sugar and stirring. Once the sugar has been stirred into the margarine, add 3oz of porridge oats and 2oz of cocoa powder; followed by 4oz of self-raising flour.
Once all the ingredients have been mixed together, pour onto a greased extendable baking tray before placing it into the oven to cook.
Wherever your baking path takes you, make sure that you always have the cooking equipment you need to hand, by giving our cookshop a visit.
Tags: National Cake Day