Keep Safe This Bonfire Night
November 3, 2014 | Money Saving Tips & Tricks | No comments
“Remember, Remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot.” A saying we’ll hear on numerous occasions leading up to bonfire night. Before the “ooohh’s” and “awww’s” echo out from back gardens and parks as fireworks delight the crowds, at eSpares we’ve taken the time to compile a quick checklist to ensure that you stay safe and enjoy Bonfire Night.
Safety First:
Each year, it is estimated that in the four weeks around Bonfire Night 1,000 people receive treatment at A&E due to firework related injuries. It’s also estimated that half of those injuries are caused at family / private parties.
There are a number of steps which anyone hosting a bonfire night should take, to ensure that everyone attending is kept safe and has an enjoyable time. These safety tips include:
- Only buying fireworks marked with the BS7114 code.
- Always light fireworks at arm length and NEVER go back to a lit firework, even if it hasn’t gone off.
- Only light one sparkler at a time, and never give sparklers to under-fives. Did you know that sparklers can reach temperatures of up-to 2,000 degrees Celsius; whilst three sparklers burning together generate the same heat as a blow torch.
- Keep fireworks in a closed box before they are used, and never put fireworks in your pocket or throw them.
Along with following these guidelines, which will be pushed out by all fire brigades in the weeks leading up to Bonfire Night, there are also other steps which you can take.
Two which we recommend, include making sure that you have a bucket full of sand for sparklers to be placed into once they’ve burnt out; and to have a fire extinguisher to hand to put out any out of control bonfires.
We’d also recommend making sure that you have a few torches to hand to illuminate the way to and from where you’re setting fireworks from, as well as around the bonfire and along paths; making sure you keep yourself and your guests safe.
Enjoy Yourself:
Whilst it is important to make sure that you stay safe during Bonfire Night; the night is also about enjoying yourself with friends and family.
One of the best ways to enjoy yourself is to make the most out of the night; not only by having spectacular fireworks and a bonfire, but also by having great autumnal food. From jacket potatoes with a crisp skin being cooked in the oven, through to sausages and burgers being cooked on the barbeque5 inbetween fireworks going off; followed by marshmallows being lightly toasted afterwards.
At eSpares, we believe that by providing great, yet simple food and a spectacular firework display where everyone is kept safe will ensure that your Bonfire Night showcase is a success.