Freshen Up Your Home
January 13, 2014 | Cleaning Tips  |  DIY & Home Improvement | No comments
We take pride in our homes and want to make them look their best. So, hop to it and learn some things you can do that will truly help make your home look that much nicer. As far as DIY skills go, so long as you have a pulse and a pair of hands you should be ok at completing most of these.
- Paint your front door. Easy, not too time consuming and totally rewarding. Try a different, stand-out colour en route to an aesthetically beautiful result
- Give a room a fresh coat of paint to liven it up. You can also paint the ceiling and skirting boards for the full effect.
- Make a “feature” wall in one of your rooms. In my old flat the living room was quite small and might have been the deal breaker when my friends and I looked at it. But, no joke, one of the walls had really nice black/ charcoal print wall paper on it and it completely changed the room. We put our offer in the next day 🙂
- Clean the grouting in your bathroom. This task is easy albeit can take awhile. Nonetheless it will restore your bathroom to its former glory. Use a toothbrush and a dedicated bathroom cleaner. Recommended to do this when it’s a bit warmer out so you can crack open the windows and properly ventilate as you clean. This way you won’t be breathing potentially harmful cleaning chemicals.
- De-clutter! It’s easy to acquire things over time you no longer need. Clothing, old paper work, general bits and bobs. You’ve got to be a bit ruthless here and commit to getting rid of the stuff. If, like me, you hum and haw and think maaaaaaaaaaybe I’ll wear it/ use it again, chances are, you won’t. Get rid of it. Do pass anything you can to charity shops and send the rest to the tip.
- Change the inner doors in your home. A lot of new build homes are fitted with rather plain and somewhat inferior doors. Going back to my old flat, another thing that stood out for my friends and I was doors (I’m getting old) Each one had been stripped back to the original wood and kitted out with lovely brass hinges and handles. Simple but makes such a difference. Fitting doors is an easy job but just make sure you have an extra set of hands when lining up the hinges and securing into place.
- Lay a wooden floor. Whoa, easy there! But seriously it’s not as big a job as you might think. There’s loads of options for DIY wood floors. Most “click” together and it’s simply a matter for you to decide which type wood you want and then set aside time for you and a mate to put it down. The extra set of hands will prove helpful in getting it done sooner so there’s more time for “successfully-completed-floor” drinks
- Add crown mouding/ coving to a room. Again, not as difficult as you might think! All you require is a coving mitre block to cut the corners and some strong adhesive. You might also want to include some small nails for added staying power. You can even get polystyrene coving but be prepared to cover with a few coats of paint prior to putting it up. This way it will look more complete and professionally done.
Make a wall dedicated to all your hats
Tags: Home Improvement Tips