Help at Christmas and Last Day to Order
December 20, 2013 | Money Saving Tips & Tricks | No comments
So, it’s the last Friday before Christmas and of course you’ve got everything completely organised and under control (I know I have…ahem…). The turkey has been bought (or at least, is currently pecking away in a field somewhere blissfully unaware of the horrific fate that awaits it – not to put a downer on it or anything), all the presents have been wrapped and the house has been decorated with a potentially lethal number of lights. Yep, everything is set so the big day goes down in style.
On the other hand, if you are one of the tiny minority who has left everything to the last minute (I mean, how irresponsible, why would you do that yourself, why?) then eSpares are here to help. If you haven’t seen them already, we’ve added a couple of new videos to our YouTube channel to help you out over the festive period.
The first one is ‘How to avoid a Christmas nightmare’. In my experience, Christmas has a habit of bringing out the worst in my appliances and usually, what can go wrong will go wrong, so this video will run you through some of the checks and repairs you can do to help evade any hiccups:
Now, where would the day be without a splendid Christmas dinner? It doesn’t bear thinking about. However, before the pressure builds and tempers flare in preparation for your culinary triumph, have a gander (or a goose – see what I did there?) at this video, which will show you some of the excellent products available from eSpares to help you out in the kitchen and ensure everything goes swimmingly:
Today is the last day to order for guaranteed delivery by Christmas, so make sure you place your order by 4pm with next-day delivery, otherwise – well, I just can’t be held responsible for what may happen, it upsets me.
This is also our last post of 2013, so here’s wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
This is Josh from eSpares signing off – see you in 2014, folks!
Tags: Christmas