Hide Those Washing Tabs!

It was reported today that 5 children had been admitted to A & E after mistaking the brightly coloured washing and dishwashing machine tabs for sweets. Perhaps common sense, but if you happen to have these in your home be sure to store them away and out of reach from your children. They include some pretty bad-boy chemicals which can be lethal if ingested and not treated immediately.

I, myself have not got any children but given the late night eating habits of my flatmates will also be sure to hide these away. Firstly, I’d have to look after grown men who are now sick (on account of their own stupidity) and secondly I wouldn’t be able to do my washing! Each scenario on its own is bad enough let alone having to deal with both.

Oh. Goodness. Gracious!

No, not those!!!

Sure, go for it!!


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