Vax Orange Filter With Dust

Fix It Then Fix You

Ok, so you’ve done a good thing here by finding a spare, fixing your appliance and saving yourself some time and dosh. So why not go ahead and pamper yourself. Fix it yourself, fix yourself. After all you deserve it. Right, so you’re at home a little tired from your appliance repairs and not entirely keen on the idea of going out for anything……..surely there are some things in your home you can make use of?

Of course there are. This applies to the ladies and the lads. There is no time like the present for a little self-pampering. Take a look what everyone got up to in the following fix-it yourself, pamper yourself scenarios.

1. Liam just replaced a cooking plate on an electric hob. He’s tired. What does he feel like doing? Why looking after his locks of course. What better way than with some homemade avocado conditioner.

Avo Conditioner
To be used monthly. Will last up to one week in the fridge.
Mash 1 avocado with ½ cup mayonnaise or coconut milk (or suppose you could do ¼ cup of each if you don’t want to choose!)
Comb the mixture through your hair and cover with a towel and leave for 20 minutes
Rinse out, shampoo your hair thoroughly and rinse again!

2. Mat’s probably well tired after replacing a washing machine door seal and wants to chill the heck out. So he’s going to jump in the tub.

Have an herbal bath
Place any combination of dried mint, lavender, chamomile and rosemary into the centre of an infusion bag or cheesecloth and tie together.
Place in a bowl and pour in boiling water.
Steep the brew for 10-15 minutes, then add to your bath.

3. Rory loves a bit of DIY but hates how it makes his skin feel. There’s a home-remedy solution for that Rory.

Make a facial mask
Unless you’ve already got a shop-bought one around, you can make one by using ½ of a mashed banana & 2 tbsp honey.
Mix them together and apply.
Leave on for 10-20 minutes then rinse off.

4. Mat’s been pressure washing like a boss and now his hair is totally dirty. Why not try a little homemade wash?

Baking Soda Shampoo
Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!
Add 2 tbsp of baking soda to a small bowl.
Take it to your shower as per normal.
Add a few drops of water and mix with your finger into a paste.
Work it into your hair and rinse as normal.

5. Helen’s going to fix the dishwasher. She’s going out after and wants her hair to remain pristine. Shoot, she’s run out of hairspray. No problem- she’s going to make her own.

Hair Spray
Useful hair tool! Should last for about 1 month.
Combine 1 lemon, 1 orange (or both) and 2 cups distilled water.
Chop the fruit (with the peel on) and add the water.
Place into pot and boil until the mixture has reduced by half.
Pour through a strainer to remove the fruit, pulp and peel.
Let stand to cool and pour into a spray bottle.
To extend the shelf life you can add 1 ounce of rubbing alcohol.

6. Never one to shy away from outdoor work, Matt is going to fit a replacement chainsaw bar. He’s tackled the chainsaw and cut through some big-time logs in the back garden. Great, now his hair is ruined from his blinking hard-hat. Hey, that’s ok.

Lavender and Rosemary Hair Oil
To get your locks shiny and smooth!
Combine 2-5 drops lavender essential oil, 2-5 drops rosemary essential oil and 1 tsp sweet almond oil or olive oil.
Let stand for a few hours so the oils properly blend.
Warm the mixture in the microwave for 10 seconds and massage into your scalp.
Wrap your head in a towel and leave for at least 45 minutes. For best results you can leave on overnight.
Wash out with shampoo then rinse hair with cold water.
Caution: Do not use rosemary or lavender oil if you’re pregnant.

7. Helen’s decided that after fixing the dishwasher turned out to be a rather painless task, she might as well tackle the fridge door seal. Now she’s ready for another mode of relaxation.

Have a bubble bath
You’ve got a tub, fill with warm water, add bubbles, add yourself. GO! Pure bliss.

8. Matt’s been an absolute star and got his oven squeaky clean. He’s left himself just enough time before the rest of his brood gets home. He’s going to relax in a good old fashioned way.

Have a drink
The chores & fix-its are done, you’ve done a good job & you are a good person. Have a drink, sit back and enjoy

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  1. hotel paris

    on October 8, 2012 at 4:54 pm - Reply

    This is a good post on this topic.

  2. Graham Coxon

    on October 12, 2016 at 7:13 pm - Reply

    My Electrolux vacuum cleaner has stopped working model Z7315(2009) Is it possible to DIY repair

    • Eleanor

      on October 13, 2016 at 8:24 am - Reply

      Hi Graham

      For information on your repair see our video How to Fault Trace on a Small Appliance using a Multimeter:

      Hope this helps.

      Eleanor @ eSpares

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