Fix-It Story Snaps!!
April 5, 2012 | Competition | No comments
Right, so firstly a huge thank you to all who’ve been sharing your fix-it stories with us. We’ve received some absolute corkers which makes our job of reading them totally and utterly enjoyable. (Watch this space for further announcements of winners!) We’ve also been lucky to get some pretty fantastic fix-it photos that we’re pretty keen to share. Some of you need to seriously pat yourselves on the back for your resourcefulness when taking on home repairs.
John sent this beauty: he attached a large collection box to his Vax wet/dry vacuum thus making it 120 litre capacity!
Another John improvised fantastically when his fridge fan failed:
Mark found the culprit, making an awful racket caught in his Beko washing machine drum
Piers took to using sash locks @ £2.35 a pop to keep his Hygena oven door closed