Final Fix-It Story Winners!
April 27, 2012 | Competition | 1 comment
Right folks, that’s a wrap! The Fix-It Friday competition is now closed and we’ve chosen the final winners. A huge thanks again to everyone who took time to submit their tales. In total we received over 2000 fix-it stories which far exceeded our expectations.
Many stories started out with the decision to ‘fix it yourself’ because you were strapped for cash. But after realising how easy a lot of the fixes are, penny pinching or not, moving forward you will now try to take on repairs yourself before enlisting the help of a professional. Result!
Tags: eSpares Competition
One Comment
Jeanne Whitehorn
on October 10, 2016 at 10:05 pm -
I am too old for most DIY but find vinegar can solve many small problems. Try soaking any furred up items, kettles, shower heads, taps, etc., etc. and all work again as new. Be careful if boiling that kettle with vinegar inside as will boil over pretty quickly.