Happy Halloween
October 25, 2011 | eSpares Updates  |  Money Saving Tips & Tricks | No comments
Ok people with Halloween fast approaching this weekend I’m sure there are loads of you still struggling for costume ideas. Likewise those of you who may very well have ideas but if you live in the south west and your nearest party store fell victim to recent riots you could be frantically searching to find convenient alternatives! Fear not cause this year you can be the talk of your ghoulish parties by using spares found in and around your house. Not to mention you’ll be saving time and money all the while being the envy of your mates. Expect to over-hear such things as:
‘you see what Sue’s wearing? She looks wicked awesome. I thought our costumes were good but that’s something else’
‘ohhh why didn’t I think of that- could’ve saved time, money and helped me meet the man of my dreams’
If you’ve not already got most of these items kicking around your house eSpares has got your back.
(Grill pan) Crusader
Aqua Girl