How to How To – A Brief Guide

Over the last year or so we have been making an effort to provide a more helpful ‘fix it yourself’ (FIY for short) web experience by creating our own ‘How To’ videos. At the time of writing we’ve got over 130 videos, with 750,000 total views, across 12 video sites. The vast majority of these are viewed on our Advice Centre and YouTube channel.

However, we are just a small drop in the web’s ‘How To’ ocean. Here’s a look at some of the best FIY the web has to offer:

The biggest of the bunch is, formerly known as Expert Village. Their eHow Home and eHow Home Appliances sections have a load of FIY gold. Its user-submitted content varies wildly in quality and usefulness but the sheer amount of articles and videos make it a great resource. It’s also very US-centric, so you’ll have to sift through a lot of propane burner and termite infestation stuff to get to anything relevant for repairs or appliances in the UK. is a personal favourite. Its home appliances section has a lot to look at, and (unlike eHow) all the ‘fix its’ are in video format. is a great little site with over 400 home and garden appliance videos. The range of videos is great however the video player is a little odd in that it doesn’t have any controls. You can’t forward, rewind or seek to any point the the video – essential for playing and replaying parts of a ‘how to’ video.

Lastly, for a broader insight into how appliances work on either a practical or scientific level is brilliant. It has an appliances section with great interactive articles like how refrigerators or microwaves work. Fantastic brain food, and great for getting a wider understanding of how and why appliances are put together.

Happy FIYing.

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