Washing In Machine And Basket

How to Open a Washing Machine Door That's Stuck Closed – New Video

So, the washing machine finishes its cycle and you’re just waiting for that satisfying ‘click’ which means you can open the door…only the click seems to be taking that bit longer to happen. A while longer and you realise it’s not going to. A few futile tugs on the door handle, then despair. Your lovely clean clothes you’ve been planning to wear at the weekend are stuck inside the washing machine. It’s now a race against time to get them out, somehow, before they start to get smelly.

It’s definitely happened to me a few times, and you’re one of the lucky ones if it hasn’t happened to you.

Yanking the handle won’t help, in fact you’ll probably break it. Anger won’t solve this problem either. Thankfully there is a little trick that might just work, as Rory demonstrates in the video below:

This won’t work with all machines, but it could save you calling out an engineer and some tears. If you have ended up snapping the door handle off in a rage, or if the washing machine door interlock mechanism was the problem, we’ve all types of washing machine door fittings.

And trust me, if you pull this little bit of magic off, you’ll be more than impressed with yourself!

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  1. Natasha

    on November 13, 2010 at 6:32 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much, it worked!

  2. Carly

    on September 11, 2012 at 6:58 pm - Reply

    Thank you so much!! There was lots of screaming involved as my mom thought she was going to die as she went under the washing machine! but we done it. Brilliant. Thanks


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