Be Careful With That Flymo Lawnmower Cable
June 28, 2010 | Gardening Tips | No comments
I’ve often wondered why we sell so many replacement Flymo cables. Surely you’ve got to be pretty careless to run over the power cord when you’re mowing the lawn? Well, I’ve since found out that it’s actually very easily done. I now feel somewhat humbled.
I was happily mowing away, thinking about what a fine job I’ve done with the lawn this year, then Bang! You’d be surprised at what a noise it makes as the cable is dragged into the blade and minced. I leapt backwards into the air, away from my Flymo, and immediately thought “Ahh, that’s why we sell so many Flymo cables.”
I’m pleased to say that I was unhurt in this little incident. However, I might not have been so lucky, as I didn’t have an RCD Safety Plug fitted. These little devices cut the power in a matter of milliseconds so that if the severed live cable flings around and hits you, you don’t become the easiest route to earth and get a nasty shock. I have now replaced the cable and invested in a safety plug – at under a tenner, they’re a low price to pay in case my mind goes wandering again.