How To Replace a Wheel on a Henry or Hetty Vacuum – New Video
May 21, 2010 | Vacuum Cleaner Repair, Help & Advice | No comments
Henry and Hetty vacuum cleaners are part of the Numatic appliance range. We have one in our office and I got to use it when Mike accidentally broke a glass by his desk. True story. What impressed me about our Henry is that despite appearing to be a rather simplistic looking vacuum cleaner it’s got great cleaning power and is very sturdy. They are clearly made to last the long haul.
So if a bit on your Numatic vacuum breaks I would recommend trying to fix it, rather than buying a new cleaner. In this new advice video Rory will show you how to replace a back wheel on a Hetty vacuum cleaner.
If after watching this video you decide that you need some Henry vacuum spares please make sure to check out the eSpares website.