Winners' Dinners…

And so I find myself preparing my first contribution to the new eSpares blog with heavy eyes, a headache and a general sense of weariness. Alas, last night I overindulged and today I am paying in kind. There is, however, a good reason for my sorry state today; last night, I went to the Econsultancy Innovation Awards Winners’ Dinner to collect the Most Innovative Digital Marketing Team Award. Now, I’ve never been to anything even remotely awards-related before. The closest I’ve come is watching the 2005 Brit Awards on TV, so it was with slight trepidation that I accepted the invitation to collect the award on eSpares’ behalf. My uncertainty was compounded when I found out the do was being hosted at the Park Lane Hotel – a place so swanky I thought I mightn’t even be allowed in.

My initial reservations proved to be unfounded (apart from an encounter with a menu that had words I didn’t understand on it – piperade? Magret?), and it turned out to be a wonderful evening. Esme, our designer, and I mixed and mingled with fellow victors, as well as chatting to a few of the very nice people at Econsultancy. Of course, that brings me back to my earth-shattering hangover – spirits were high and the wine flowed like, well, wine. A good night was had by all; I suppose it’s a shame it had to end.

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