9 money-saving lessons to learn from lockdown!
July 21, 2020 | Lifestyle  |  Money Saving Tips & Tricks | No comments
If you’re one of those people who has saved money during lockdown, seriously well done!
When we first heard the news, we saw pound signs from not paying to travel to work, forking out for expensive lunches and saving on our grooming! But, as the weeks went on, online shopping, house decorating and brand new bikes took that hopeful dream away!
Although there were some setbacks, lockdown has actually taught us all some very valuable lessons about where a lot of our money is going! Here are some things we should continue to do to save money even when lockdown is over.
You don’t need that daily coffee
Ok, so it may taste a little better but your pocket is suffering! If you spend £3 on a coffee every work day that’s £60 a month! You’ve been doing pretty well with homemade coffees until now so maybe save the coffee shop trips for a treat or a really bad morning! If it’s the taste you love, why not invest in a coffee machine and you’ll save in the long run!
Picnics are the new meals out!
You can eat as many different things as you like for a fraction of the price! Eating out is nice as a treat but when you’re going on a day out with the family, the amount of drinks, meals and snacks you buy can really add up. Make sure you bring your trusty picnic and save yourself some pounds. Why not invest in a nice cool bag and blanket too so you’ll be excited to use it!
Cooking is actually fun
Cooking always seems like a chore after a long day’s work but now we’re into the swing of it, it may not be so bad! Finding new meals to make and spending time with the family over a home-cooked meal is definitely something we should all continue to do.
Home workouts are great
Many people have indulged in home workouts over the past few months and let’s be honest, it’s much better than sweating in a busy gym, waiting for equipment and queuing at the water machine! Save on your monthly gym membership and continue doing it from home. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that are fantastic for fitness and you can do them in your own space in your own time.
You can fix it yourself
Not being able to pop out to the shops to buy new items has meant we have made do with our old ones, maybe even fixed them when they break. This. Has. To. Stay! Not only are we saving heaps of money on buying new things, but we are also saving the environment too by not adding to landfill. Plus, don’t you get that huge sense of achievement when you’ve fixed it yourself? We know we do!
Creativity is key
Being unable to go outdoors and do our usual day to day things has resulted in us all being a little more creative! Whether that’s a new game you play in the garden with your kids, upcycling your old furniture into something new or learning a new skill. Don’t give it up! You can save money and create some beautiful things from what you already own.
Virtual catch-ups shouldn’t be forgotten
It’s great that we can meet face to face again but maybe we shouldn’t say goodbye to a virtual pub quiz just yet! Drinks and meals out can be expensive, so it’s good to have a cheap and easy way to still catch up with your friends (especially when it’s the week before payday!) Plus, people live such busy lives that it may be a whole lot easier for them to do a quick video call. You’ll see your pals a lot more often!
A garden BBQ is way more fun than the pub
And cheaper too! You can stay till whenever you like, not have long waits for your next drink and enjoy some tasty food. As long as you stay socially distanced and stick to the limit of people, you can have as many of these as you like and it will cost you half the price!
Homemade lunches are just as tasty
Just like that daily coffee, the daily lunch runs could be costing you a small fortune. While working from home, we’ve been forced to make our lunches every day and our pockets are thankful for it. When we head off back to the office, let’s keep up our good work and let the pounds add up!
Getting back to normal after lockdown is over is going to be strange for everyone. Check out our advice on preparing for life after lockdown for some tips on getting back into the swing of things.
Tags: Lockdown 2020, Money Saving Tips