Make sure your home appliances are safe from the cold this winter…
March 9, 2023 | General Appliance Care & Advice | No comments
When the cold weather strikes, it’s not just yourself you need to keep warm but your appliances too! Cold temperatures can have a negative effect on your household appliances, and if you don’t know how to prepare for this, the damage it can cause may be more costly than you’d expect…
For example, appliances that use hoses for water (such as washing machines and pressure washers) are particularly at risk when stored in cold environments, as ice can form and cause plastic parts to crack. This can cause leaks in your appliances and prevent them from working efficiently. As well as this, cold weather can cause temperature issues with appliances too, which is especially an issue for temperature-sensitive goods like fridge freezers.
So, without further ado, here are some of the main appliances than can be affected by the cold weather, and the steps you can take to prevent unwanted damage…
Fridge freezers
Believe it or not, your fridge freezer can actually get too cold. It needs to be kept in an environment that is above 10˚C or else your food may start to defrost. This usually occurs in fridge freezers which have a single thermostat or a sensor located in the fridge compartment. The thermostat will shut off if the temperature gets in the region of freezing, as the inside of the fridge is already cold enough. If the temperature remains low, the fridge thermostat will not come back on.
So, if your fridge freezer is kept in a garage outside, it could be at risk. If possible, consider moving your appliance to a warmer environment. If this isn’t possible and your appliance must remain in a colder area, you can at least combat the risks by not storing frozen foods in your fridge freezer during very cold periods.
For any fridge freezer spare parts or accessories you might need, visit the fridge freezer section of the eSpares website.
Washing machines
Your washing machine is all about water, which is why it could be at risk in cold temperatures. Before a cycle, hoses fill the machine with water and drain it out once it’s finished. If your washer is kept in an environment where the temperature drops below -5˚C for a long period of time, such as a garage or outhouse, you may find that the water in your appliance’s hoses is freezing into ice. This can also cause the inlet valve to break and produce unwanted leaks.
To ensure your washer doesn’t get too cold, you can follow the same suggestion we offered for fridge freezers and try to store it in a not-too-cold area. If this isn’t an option, try to use additional heating such as a greenhouse frost heater to increase the ambient temperature in the room your washing machine is stored in during especially cold periods.
Need any washing machine spare parts or accessories? Browse our washing machine range today!
Condenser tumble dryers
Condenser tumble dryers have a reservoir in the base with a pump to deliver water to the tank at the top. If kept in temperatures below -5˚C, the remaining water in the reservoir may freeze and crack the plastic base. This will cause leaks in your dryer and prevent it from working efficiently or even cause further damage, which is the last thing you want.
As with washing machines, you can take steps to prevent this by considering ways to use additional heating or storing your dryer in a warmer environment.
You can visit our tumble dryer range for any dryer spare parts or essentials you might be after.
Pressure washers
When storing your pressure washer for winter, it’s vital that you don’t leave water in the appliance. Leftover water in the pressure washer pump is likely to freeze and cause leaks, meaning it will no longer produce high pressure. Unfortunately, most people won’t notice this until it’s time to use their pressure washer in spring again, by which time the damage will already be done.
Luckily, this is easily preventable. Make sure to store your pressure washer in an environment that won’t get too cold, and make sure you empty the water from the appliance before storing it in future.
Need some new nozzles, guns, or spare parts for your pressure washer? The pressure washer range on our online shop has everything you need.
By following these tips, you can keep your appliances working come rain or snow. For more advice on surviving the frosty weather, check out our tips to keep warm and save money during the cold.
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