Tag archives for: Lawnmower

Long Grass In Sunshine

Which Lawnmower Is Right For Your Garden?

A regular trim is good for your lawn and healthy for you too. Anyone who’s pushed a heavy lawnmower around on a hot day knows that it’s a sure fire way to get the heart rate up! But if mowing your lawn is really, really hard work you could be using the wrong lawnmower. Not all mowers are alike, so it’s worth doing your research.  Especially if you’ve just moved to a house with a bigger or smaller garden, or if your current mower is on its last legs.

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Drive Belt

Easily Replace Your Lawnmower’s Broken Starter Cord

With the end of the grass cutting season in sight, your lawnmower may be suffering from wear and tear. Unfortunately, this can result in faults developing, and one particular fault you may experience is the starter cord snapping in your hand as you attempt to start your petrol lawnmower.

Whilst this may be frustrating, if you’re able to gain access to your lawnmower’s pulley, there is no reason why you cannot fix the pull cord yourself and get your lawnmower working again. Although it is worth noting that the specific process for replacing the starter pull cord is likely to vary depending on the make and model of your appliance. But with the pointers below, repairing the part should be relatively easy.

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3 Key Steps to Help You Achieve a Beautiful Lawn

3 Key Steps to Help You Achieve a Beautiful Lawn

Rod Stewart once sang “the first cut is the deepest” and when it comes to your lawn this can be true if you haven’t taken the time to care for it. In fact, the first cut of the year is without doubt the most important, and can set the pattern for the rest of your mowing season.

But it isn’t only ahead of the first cut when you need to take care of your lawn. It’s a year round job. And to help you keep your lawn looking luscious, it’s important to know when and how to cut your lawn, as well as how to take care of it.

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Candy Floss In Bags

3 Great Tips to Remove Fallen Leaves

During the autumn months, you’ll have seen the wildlife take advantage of the delights of your autumnal garden. From birds making the most of berries, and squirrels scurrying around looking for goodies they can store for those cold winter months.

With winter fast arriving, wildlife will be working harder looking for food to store, and there are some steps you can take in your garden to help the wildlife. At eSpares, we believe one of the main tasks which you’ll need to carry out on a regular basis this winter is the cleaning up of fallen leaves.

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Choosing the Right Mower

Choosing the right lawnmower for your lawn is key to getting it looking great. With so many different options, it can be tricky to figure out which one will work best for you.

There are some things for you to consider when choosing your mower. Once you have answered the following questions, you can proceed to deciding which type of mower will work best for your lawn.

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Lawnmower Racing

Today I have been watching a bunch of people on lawnmowers going round a muddy field, battling for the title of ‘Lawn Mower Racing World Champion’.


Internet Icons

How To Replace a Flymo Lawnmower Motor – New Video

I’ve got to hold my hands up to say that I’ve never fitted a lawnmower motor before. To be quite frank I would have found this task daunting and may even have considered just replacing the whole lawnmower if the motor bit the dust. This video on how to fit a Flymo lawnmower motor surprised me as it demonstrated that fitting is actually really easy. After watching this I feel confident that I could take on the task of replacing my mowers motor should the time come.